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Body PositivityMarch 06, 2019
Model Wants to "Redefine Beauty Standards" with Her Unibrow. That's Not How It Works.
For the last time (not really, I'm sure I'll say it again), beauty standards are standards because they don't change. You cannot redefine something simply because you don't like the definition. More on that after we talk about Sophia Hadjipanteli, who wants to "redefine" beauty standards with her bushy unibrow.
From Dazed Beauty:
Sophia is a model, sunglass designer (she has just dropped her first collection with Peter & May) and beauty activist. Harnessing her huge following on social media, Sophia is attempting to break down traditional beauty conventions by putting the tweezers down and letting her brows grow freely and fiercely.
Now, people are free to do whatever they want with their beauty regime. If a woman wants to smear menstrual blood all over her face, fine. Gross, but if you want to rub yourself with your own fluids, I'm not going to stop you. Not really similarly, if you'd rather have one brow than two separate ones, that's your choice. Just as if you'd rather skip the razor and not shave any body hair at all, clearly that's up to you.
But what constitutes beauty doesn't vary depending upon what it is you're willing or unwilling to do. The same for standards of success. We shouldn't change what it means to be successful simply because some people do not fit within its standards. Imagine the pushback if a welfare bum took to Instagram wearing nothing but his pajamas, sitting on his couch on a Wednesday afternoon rather than working, saying "F*ck your success standards."
Yet women seem to do the same with beauty. Sophia doesn't want to pluck her brows. Okay, fine. But she wants to be considered beautiful despite the beauty standards calling for two distinct eyebrows. Sorry, that's not going to fly.
Standards are standards for a reason. You can't redefine beauty standards to suit you, just as a bum can't redefine success standards to suit him, just as a dumbass can't redefine intellectual standards to suit his empty noggin.