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crimeMarch 20, 2023
Watch: Crowd laughs as a monkey kidnaps a dog because this is a normal occurrence in India
This looks like a scene out of a Disney cartoon. Somehow, a monkey got ahold of a puppy in the middle of a market in India and then proceeded to hop from a balcony to a rooftop with the pooch in hand. The dog was struggling to get out of its grip, which the monkey maintained with ease as it stared down the crowd. It's his dog, now.
The crowd just laughed as the monkey disappeared with the dog. The dog's fate is tragically still unknown at this time.
Apparently, this isn't uncommon in Jaipur, where the video was taken. That's because they actually have an entire Monkey Temple just down the road. It's really a massive Hindu temple complex, but, due to its humungous monkey colony, it's been nicknamed "The Monkey Temple." Naturally, this is a huge draw for tourists. But travel websites warn of the monkey's kleptomaniac tendencies and urge people to keep their distance, lest they lose their wallets. Or beloved pets.
Monkeys kidnapping dogs isn't new to India, either. Monkeys of a nearby city, Maharashtra, have a particularly sadistic streak with dogs. In 2021, two monkeys reportedly killed a combined 250 dogs by dragging them to the tops of buildings and trees and dropping them to their deaths. No, seriously. Monkeys did this. The killings were thought to be retaliation against a dog who killed one of the monkey's babies. The killer monkeys were captured by local authorities and released into a different forest.
I know we've all been displeased with the rising crime and general horrible qualities of American cities as of late. But this story really put it all in perspective for me. At least we don't have to deal with sadistic killer monkeys who pluck pets from our window sills and terrorize the local dog population. Always a silver lining.