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Body PositivitySeptember 08, 2020
Meet the World's First Morbidly Obese Fashion Photographer
The body positivity movement has taken five back seats lately as leftists focus on more pressing "social" "justice" issues. But as long as there's Halo Top Ice Cream to chase with a Diet Coke, there will be people telling us that fat is beautiful, while attacking anyone who says healthy is beautifuler (see JILLIAN MICHAELS: WHY DO WE CELEBRATE LIZZO BEING FAT? and LENA DUNHAM FILMED HERSELF DANCING TO CARDI B'S "WAP" BECAUSE 2020 ISN'T AWFUL ENOUGH). The rub is that even among the most woke of us, body positivity has a limit. Like jean sizes at Express. Famed fashion photographer Ryan Long is looking to change all that by illustrating that even morbidly obese is beautiful from certain angles.
The First Morbidly Plus Sized Fashion Photographeryoutu.be
People come in different shapes and sizes, and you should be comfortable in your own body. I say this as someone who could stand to lose a few tens of pounds himself. I know the health risks. I also like beer and bourbon. Being a functioning alcoholic is beautiful. The difference is when you demand that other people feel comfortable in your own body, to the point where you demand that you be praised for it. Even worse is when it's demanded that others pretend it's healthy to be so overweight in the first place. Especially now that obesity is one of the top ways to catch a fatal case of the 'rona.
This video is obviously satire. But 2020 also kills satire over and over again like it's Kenny from South Park. Dollars to donuts there are actually fashion photographers like this. And "models" who used the dollars to buy more donuts.
Crowder Weighs-in on Fat Pride 'Yay-ins' | Louder With Crowderyoutu.be
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