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New Parenting Trend: Asking Your Own Baby for Permission to Touch Him?!
"It was a dark and stormy night" should be replaced with "social justice warriors are having children" because few things are as terrifying (see VIDEO Free-range parents…wait, ‘free-range’ parents? and NY Medicaid to Cover ‘Puberty Blockers,’ Transgender Surgery for Kids ).
"Free-range" parenting is a new fad amongst the hippie left, who like their children like their chicken: roaming free. Pecking things they shouldn't. Crapping wherever they want. These parents let their children decide what to eat, if they want to do homework, and whether or not they want their genitals chopped off. One mother is starting her child young by asking permission to pick him up. This is real life.
“I don’t ever want my son to be a sexual perpetrator or the victim of one, and the best thing I can do is honor his choices about his own body,” Moodley tells Yahoo Beauty. “I also want him to pay attention to his instincts, and forcing physical touch could interfere with that.”
Moodley says that navigating social situations with friends and family have, on occasion, been tricky. “It’s asking myself how can I prioritize what feels right to me as a parent with social niceties, especially if some consider it rude to not hug,” says Moodley. “If Raven seems like he doesn’t want to be touched, I just explain to the person, ‘Give him a few minutes — he may just want mommy now.’”
Firstly, I don't care if the mother is loony or not. That's a cute little snuggle bunny of a kiddo.
Now, Moodley (who lives in San Francisco) says asking her child for permission to pick him up is helping foster decisions about his body. Interesting. He's a baby. He's not even a toddler. According to the article, he's six months old. Now lest anyone confuse my incoming mockery of Ravensmom (yes, all one word, it's not a typo. Halt thy shitposting), I think it a grand idea to teach children about the dangers of certain touch. Kids should absolutely be told about stranger danger, and no one should touch their special places. If someone touches their special places, tell on that person promptly. Okay? Okay.
I'm also a fan of not forcing kids onto people they clearly don't want to come into contact with. As someone who's not really big on hugging people I don't know (or even ones I do), I'm glad Ravensmom is protecting him from strangers who just want to hold him 'cause he's a cuddly cuddle-poo. Okay? Okay.
My issue here is entirely with the mother allowing her son to decide when she, the mother, can mother the child. How far does one take the "let him decide on his own timetable" parenting style? What happens if Raven says he thinks he's a girl? What happens if Raven wants to take hormone blockers to be a girl? At what point does Ravensmom think it okay to, AS THE ADULT, make decisions which are best for her child?
Ravensmom isn't entirely wrong. But like a lot of good theories, she's pushed her good intention too far. Children need their parents to be leaders. A six month old is too young to understand body autonomy. If Ravensmom is this worried about how her son views his own body at six months, she's got a whole lot of nightmarish behavior when Raven hits the terrible twos, running around with his own body and throwing tantrums when his own body doesn't get what he wants. When she tries to stop him from throwing himself into a pile of nails in a tantrum, will she ask "Can I pick you up before you cut yourself to bits?" pre swan dive into the nails? Or does she try tempting him with other choices like a plate of cookies? At what point will Ravensmom intercede and make decisions Raven shouldn't be making alone?
Also, if Raven's body is his own, was it also his own body a year ago when he was in her body?