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LGBTJuly 29, 2022
Liberal mother lost all custody rights after she refused to affirm daughter's transgender identity
There's no doubt that allowing your child to "transition" or even affirming their delusional "transgender" identity should be called child abuse. But while those of us who still have even a shred of human decency and sanity left understand this, the left does not, and because the left controls many--if not all--of the institutions in America, including the courts, it's gone the other way, and in 2019, one Chicago mother learned this the hard way.
Jeanette--who Breitbart reports considers herself a "liberal feminist"--was denied custody and any form of visitation unapproved by her daughter's father after she refused to cave to demands for her to validate her daughter's newly realized "transgender" identity.
Jeanette is quoted saying, "I don’t think there are any bounds on what it means to be female other than to exist in a female body. There is nothing that I have to do to become female. I simply am. I can dress whatever way I want. I can cut my hair off, grow it long, I can change my clothes. I am still female. Any behavior that I have is female because it is mine."
That makes sense to us but not to anyone on the left who's already had the leftist brain disease munch away at their brains, which in this case, included the father, the judge, and a psychologist.
Prior to losing her custody, Jeanette was required to undergo "reconciliation family therapy" because, you know, she's the one with the issues in this situation.
However, due to the ridiculous terms of such therapy and persistent demands to bend the knee to the insanity and affirm her daughter's identity, Jeanette eventually lost all rights to see her child.
"They want me to have a certain understanding that there is such a thing as a child who is born transgender, and this is who they are. I do not believe that to be true. I will not lie to the court. I will not state otherwise. I believe too strongly in my oath to tell the truth. My child is a girl, and I won’t lie to her or anyone else. I think that’s good parenting."
It is good parenting. And hopefully, her daughter lives long enough to realize her mother was right all along.
This isn't the first case we've heard of such an occurrence. James Younger made headlines over the exact same kind of fight in which his wife fought and won the right to allow their son to transition. Younger has been vocal against the transgender lobby ever since, as we all should be.
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