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2020 ElectionFebruary 12, 2020
MSNBC Pivots to 'Man on the Street' to Get Bernie Sanders Praise. But the Man's a Trump Supporter.
There you are, an MSNBC working schmo, thinking you're doing your network a solid by pivoting to a man on the street who's been watching you doing your MSNBC working schmo schtick, only for that man to announce he's a member of the enemy camp. That's what happened to this MSNBC reporter, who asked a random man about Bernie Sanders during the New Hampshire primary, probably hoping he'd praise Bernie Sanders. The opposite happened.
Reporter who'd rather be inside on such a cold day but made a wrong choice somewhere in the game of life and is now on location, in the snow, wearing a turtleneck, no coat, no gloves, and is therefore probably freezing her nips off: "Bernie Sanders is not appealing to you?"Old man voter who's passionate about beige: "Bernie Sanders' ideology would be destructive to the country." Then uses his fingers to count out the ways Bernie Sanders is the Coronavirus.
Reporter who's internally screaming at herself while keeping up that smile: "I knew I should've been a barista."
Hopefully someone bought this lady a tall glass of wine, that was harsh. There she was, assuming everyone at this primary event was a Democrat who hates the essence of Trump. Only plot twist: not even close.
The bigger lesson here, beside how terrible it is to work for MSNBC, is to never assume. The second lesson is, thank God for live television capturing this glory for all to see. Hopefully this man hasn't been on Twitter, because media may come for his scalp.
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