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Liberal MediaMay 26, 2020
MSNBC Reporter Complains No One is Wearing Masks. Bystander Says the Camera Crew isn't Wearing Masks Either!
Chalk this one up to a guilty pleasure. Over the weekend, an MSNBC minion was sent out to report on how Americans were fed up with all the COVID directives. That's what I assume, at least, after watching this MSNBC clip of an MSNBC minion bitching about how no one was complying with Thou Shalt Mask. Except a dutiful bystander pointed out that not even the minion's camera crew were masked up.
I'm not sure who said it first, but I know I said it:
I've seen morons out and about all the time with their masks. Incidentally, all the masked I've seen can't seem to stay six feet from me (or anyone else) and can't help touching and fidgeting with those masks. How hygienic.
Also, special shout out to you solo-outdoor-exercisers wearing masks. I'm not sure I've ever seen something that stupid, so thanks for that. When it inevitably comes out that wearing masks this long is detrimental to one's overall health, don't mind me if I have a chuckle at the dumb people's expense. I'm just saying that when doctors scrub in to surgery they wear a mask. Then take it off as soon as it's done. To go through your life all masked up like the Phantom of the Opera just kind of indicates what a dumbass you might be.
Not you as in you. You as in the the virtue signaling idiots looking down on those of us who refuse to conform with the virtue signaling of people who refuse to keep up with the science about this pathetic disease. That is if they can even look down. I've seen a few people with foggy glasses due to their masks. I'm sure breathing in some of your recycled air is helpful for regenerating brain cells.
Sorry. I didn't mean for this to turn into a rant about how stupid masks can be. But how much can we keep saying MSNBC is the definition of suck?
How the COVID “Experts" Got Everything Wrong! | Louder with Crowderyoutu.be
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