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PoliticsAugust 03, 2022
Watch: Nancy Pelosi finds time to get her shop on prior to almost bringing us to the brink of WWIII
With all the drama surrounding Nancy Pelosi's trip to Taiwan that almost brought us to the brink of World War III, according to critics, it's nice to see the speaker found time to get her shop on at a posh Hawaiian hotel. Lesser leaders might be upset to hear their president doesn't care if their plane is shot down. If Nancy was upset, she hid it with a little retail therapy.
Rep. Nancy Pelosi's Retail Therapy Ahead of Controversial Taiwan Trip | TMZyoutu.be
You know what they say.
TMZ, a more valuable news source than CNN, caught the speaker at Pashma in the Royal Hawaiian Hotel. Pashma boasts having, quote, the "World's Finest Cashmere." No doubt, Nancy was spending some of her husband Paul Pelosi's hard-earned money he earned through totally legal means. Nancy likes buying expensive clothes. Paul spends his money on the sauce.
TMZ reports the Speaker of the House "was quite interested in a handful of garments," and had "employees showing her items as she perused the racks." Wait a tick... "rack" is the WORD OF THE DAY!
Happy #NationalBoobDay to those who celebrate. pic.twitter.com/ufqqZsFtvz
— Louder with Crowder Dot Com (@LWCnewswire) August 3, 2022
This all happened as Nancy Pelosi's security waited outside. As you can imagine, the Speaker of the House rolls deep, and her security did their best to stay inconspicuous. In doing so, they were nothing but conspicuous. Guard #1 is thinking to herself it must be nice to be a public servant who can find time to shop for the finest cashmere in the world, all while she is stuck shopping at Kohl's, and the Kohl's discount rack at that!
And guard #2 is wondering if the Secret Service job to be the guy who has to stand between POTUS and a bullet is still available. He would hate his life less.
Thankfully, Nancy Pelosi was able to shop as well as get in and out of Taiwan without starting World War III. For now. If she bought herself some fancy scarf along the way, more power to her. She'll look quite lovely the next time she is stammering her way through a press confernce.
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Crowder REACTS to Pelosi's Taiwan Visit Amid China's Threats | Louder With Crowderyoutu.be
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