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COVID-19August 31, 2020
WTF: New Report Suggests COVID Cases were Overblown by... 90 Percent!?
Remember how the panic pornographers (as they've rightly been dubbed) couldn't wait for millions of people to die, because according to their wildest hopes and dreams, the coronavirus was just ALL CAPS TERRIBLE! Remember how we were told to "trust the experts" and to shutdown our entire way of life out of "an abundance of caution"? Remember how we just needed "15 days to flatten the curve" in order to "slow the spread" and stop hospitals from being flooded with coronavirus patients? Recall all businesses which have been ruined or altogether erased from our economy? Remember the destruction wrought on people's lives? Jobs lost? Weddings canceled? Funerals unattended? Schools shutdown? Graduations canceled? That's just the tip of this very chilly iceberg. And, at least according to the latest from The New York Times, which is hardly an anti-masking crowd, as many as 90% of people who tested "positive" for COVID-19 carried "insignificant" amounts of the virus and were likely not contagious. That means, in my opinion, all this shutdown bull shit was just that.
What went so wrong? Firstly, people bought into COVID-PANIC hook, line and sinker with nary a critical thought to the bigger picture. Here's looking at you mask-nazis. At least you can one day recycle that dirty cloth mask to wipe the egg off your face.
But second to that, turns out the testing methods were too sensitive. From my non-scientific background here's how I best: the testing methods were picking up even the slightest presence of genetic material of the virus. But the test wasn't accounting for how much material was present, which is relevant in how the virus spreads. I need analogies to understand a lot, so let's put it this way: It's much harder to splash water on yourself if your glass has but a drop of water inside. So it seems to be with spreading the virus. From The Times:
The PCR test amplifies genetic matter from the virus in cycles; the fewer cycles required, the greater the amount of virus, or viral load, in the sample. The greater the viral load, the more likely the patient is to be contagious. This number of amplification cycles needed to find the virus, called the cycle threshold, is never included in the results sent to doctors and coronavirus patients, although it could tell them how infectious the patients are. In three sets of testing data that include cycle thresholds, compiled by officials in Massachusetts, New York and Nevada, up to 90 percent of people testing positive carried barely any virus, a review by The Times found.
That means we "quarantined" for nothing. Okay, fact-checkers, almost nothing.
There's going to come a time when those of us who sounded the alarm, very early on, become rather obnoxious about being right. For me personally, that was a few months ago. This latest news only makes me angry. As it should you.
For the past five months, if not more, we ruined our lives. If not ruined, damaged. Altered. Denied people. For no reason at all. Think about all you lost. Scratch that. Think about all that was taken from you.
It looks like it was all for nothing.
If you're not mad, what is wrong with you? Egg on your face? Wipe it off and get angry. You got duped and possibly actively participated in ruining people's lives. Learn from this and stop being such a miserable tw*t. Then demand we reopen the world, right now.
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