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AbortionMay 21, 2019
New York Times OpEd Says "Abortion Saves Lives" This is the Evil We Face...
Men and women who can justify abortion using any reason aren't burdened with much of a conscience. So be not surprised that Doctor Warren Hern (sound familiar?) actually said pregnancy is a life-threatening condition and that abortion saves lives in an OpEd for the New York Times. You really should read the entire OpEd to know thy enemy. For brevity, I'm just going to highlight the most insidious bits.
Pregnancy is a life-threatening condition. Women die from being pregnant. We have known that for thousands of years.
Firstly, this author, Dr. Warren Hern, wrote a paper in which he called humanity itself a cancer on the planet. He posted it on his website:
We may now examine those characteristics of the human species as a whole that suggest the comparison with a malignant process...Cancers spread by two means: extensive invasion and by metastasis, or distant colonization. Human communities, once established, tend to invade and destroy all adjacent 13 ecosystems without limits.
So that's Dr. Hern. Isn't he just a peach.
Secondly, every condition is life-threatening. If you're not sitting down, sit down: you are going to die. You're going to die if you spend most of your life sitting or running. Because you're alive. Your life is threatened by your own mortality. Your time is limited. It doesn't matter if you eat beef, lettuce, or plastic. You will die. You will die no matter what you do. You will die if you smoke cigarettes, weed, or you abstain from smoking, drinking, dairy, critical thinking, and The New York Times.
But here's the difference between pregnancy and everything I listed above. No one can live -- life itself will CEASE to EXIST -- if women no longer get pregnant. So to call pregnancy a "condition" to treat it as an illness, that's the first problem here. Pregnancy is a condition of life itself. Human life cannot exist without pregnancy. So to say "women die from being pregnant" assumes women don't die being or doing other things. Women die. Men die. We have known this for thousands of years.
You, the person reading this post, wouldn't be alive had your mother been pregnant. Pregnancy is not a "life-threatening condition" it is a life GIVING condition.
Can we move on?
They die from hemorrhage, infection, pre-eclampsia (which can lead to fatal seizures), obstructed labor, amniotic fluid embolism, thromboembolism, a ruptured uterus, retained placenta, hydatidiform mole, choriocarcinoma and many other causes that fill the obstetrics textbooks. Modern medicine can prevent and treat many, but not all, of these conditions. Some potentially fatal problems cannot be foreseen or prevented. Pregnancy always comes with some irreducible risk of death.
Okay, name me one thing that doesn't have complications. People die from common colds, popping their necks, they have sudden strokes, heart attacks, aneurysms, and blood clots. Again, you are at risk in everything you do. Either willfully (snorting coke), or involuntarily (dying from complications of a common cold). You may not choose to get the common cold, but you get it via going out in public to be a human being.
No, I'm not equating pregnancy with the common cold. Pregnancy is a far greater and more important aspect of life than any other "condition" a person can have, ever, in their life. Because pregnancy brings life. I feel like I'm repeating myself.
Since pregnancy isn't a disease, it needs no cure. It especially needs no cure that takes the form of invasive surgery to violently remove an unborn baby.
I just wonder how many people die from the act of eating. People choke to death. They have allergic reactions to things they didn't know they were allergic to. Their intestines rupture. Any number of bad things can happen to you just because you're alive. But enough about that.
Doctor Warren Hern then goes onto to make the argument pregnancy is more fatal to black women than white women. As if pregnancy is a silent, racist killer. What he fails to recognize is abortion kills far more black babies than whites. Maybe he didn't fail to say that, maybe he's an actual racist just like Margaret Sanger and wants to kill more black babies, and is going about it by saying more black women will die from complications due to pregnancy.
How sick of a person do you have to be? I guess since we're talking about a late-term abortionist, sick is just standard.
Perhaps the goal of the Alabama law, in addition to triggering a legal challenge to Roe v. Wade, may be to discourage doctors from even practicing medicine in that state, lest they be accused of performing an illegal abortion and sentenced to prison for the rest of their lives. Perhaps the vagueness of the law and the confusion is the point. Vagueness and confusion are tools of tyranny.
Again, go read the full disaster. I included this paragraph to highlight the last line. Vagueness and confusion are tools of tyranny. Doctor Hern just spent an entire OpEd selling pregnancy as a disease, the cure of which is killing an unborn child. And he accuses the pro-life side of selling confusion as a tool of tyranny.
Name me one thing more tyrannical than telling men and women the act of giving life is a life-threatening condition the cure of which is murder.
This is who the left is. Dr. Warren Hern (who's clinic Steven infiltrated in the video below) is the face of evil itself. He doesn't care about morals, ethics, or basic scientific facts. He cares about killing babies for money. He shouldn't be taken seriously as a doctor, but he absolutely should be taken seriously as the enemy we fight: they want to kill babies. For any reason. At any time. For whatever cost.
Do not be naive, do not fall prey to catchy bumper sticker slogans, or "but what about rape and incest exceptions." Abortionists like Warren Hern and everyone like him just want to continue killing babies for the power and money that fills their coffers. Their coffin-shaped coffers. Pro-choice women don't care about the exceptions either. They see abortion as a form of birth control and have basically admitted as much.
We are on the right side of this fight. Abortion is a raw act of evil which must be opposed. The pro-abortion left is so terrified we might defeat them, they're no longer hiding their evil.