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ArticlesSeptember 06, 2019
Newsweek Tries Maligning Drew Brees as Anti-LGBTQ. He Responds.
How soon before it's illegal to be a Christian? You may say that question is paranoid, but hold up. Recently, NFL superstar quarterback Drew Brees filmed a video encouraging children to bring their bibles to school on "Bring your Bible to School Day." Newsweek then ran with the headline that Drew Brees might hate the gays. I really wish I was pulling this out of my pooper. See for yourselves:
Guilt by association. Check out the opening of this trashy hit piece:
Drew Brees, quarterback for the New Orleans Saints, is being criticized for recording a public service announcement for Focus on the Family (FoF), an evangelical organization with a history of opposing LGBT rights.Released Thursday, the video sees Brees encouraging students to participate in FoF's "Bring Your Bible to School Day" on October 3 to "share you love of God with your friends."
"Is being criticized" by who exactly? Trash like Newsweek? Intolerant leftists who can't even believe someone in the NFL, or anyone ever, would DARE encourage STUDENTS to bring their BIBLES to SCHOOL????!!!!
Also, being pro-marriage as defined by the Lord Our God (one man, one woman) isn't anti-gay. That crap needs to stop.
Perhaps in order to head off the absolute insanity the left has become, Drew Brees responded via Twitter:
Now, some may say Drew Brees "caved to the outrage mob." Maybe that's one way to see it. I see it a bit differently. Brees is heading off the mob before it can build the full head of steam and blitz him into oblivion by reiterating a Christian's basic beliefs. That is, that Christians love the sinner but hate the sin.
We've seen this kind of mob behavior before with Ellen Page vs. Chris Pratt. Read Ellen Page Church Shames Chris Pratt. That Makes Her An Anti-Christian Bigot, No? Pratt responded much the same way Brees did here, not by saying he supports LGBTQ behavior, but that he follows Jesus's model of loving everyone. Which has always been the Christian way. Read Chris Pratt Responds to Ellen Page's Church Shaming Comments.
How someone decides to live their life is their business. But a Christian doesn't have to support how you live your life in order to "love" you. Just as you don't condone everything about the people in your life you love in order to love them. That's the beauty of love.
Demanding someone condone your way of life through intimidation tactics isn't love either. But it is the leftist way. It is the bully's way. It is rather an evil way.
Based on how the media piled on to Drew Brees here, how long do you think Christians have before it's illegal to be Christian?
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