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ArticlesDecember 26, 2017
Nikki Haley Announces a YUGE Cut in What America Contributes to the UN
Nikki Haley is Donald Trump's MVP for 2017.
Haley these last few weeks has been a Christmas gift for the American people. She's been a thorn in the fat globalist side of the UN. Like Princess Leia chain strangling Jabba the Hutt, only hotter (see Nikki Haley to Throw UN Party. It’s the Perfect Middle Finger to Anti-American Countries… and A Muslim Diplomat is Angry at Nikki Haley. Her Response Slays…).
The hits keep coming. Or in this case, the cuts.
The U.S. will cut its 2018 contribution to the United Nations by $285 million—nearly 25 percent—an announcement that comes days after more than 120 nations criticized the United States for its decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.“The inefficiency and overspending of the United Nations are well known. We will no longer let the generosity of the American people be taken advantage of or remain unchecked,” Haley said in a statement announcing the cut to the U.N.'s overall $5.4 billion budget. “This historic reduction in spending—in addition to many other moves toward a more efficient and accountable U.N.—is a big step in the right direction.”
The days of "Up yours America! Give us money" are over. Leftists with more ability to whine than reason may label UN fund reduction as "bullying," claiming Trump/Haley are acting like the mob. Oh contraire. America is finally exercising its backbone, saying the checkbook is closed to an organization made up of countries that never pass an opportunity to attack us. Ergo the cost of UN resolutions designed to do nothing but embarrass our president? It's $285 million. Make better choices, UN. The ball is in our court, played in our court, and we fund the damn court.
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