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ArticlesDecember 22, 2017
A Muslim Diplomat is Angry at Nikki Haley. Her Response Slays...
Is the love I feel for Nikki Haley what leftists feel for Beyonce? Because I think I get it now. I may have even yelled "YASSSSS QUEEN" a few times this week.
God forgive me.
Ambassador Haley has been slaying all the America-haters in the best way possible (see Nikki Haley Spanks Spoiled UN for Disrespecting America… and Nikki Haley Tells the UN Security Council Where to Stick Their Jerusalem Resolution). Take her response to a quote from a Muslim diplomat for example.
Here's the backstory. The United Nations voted to condemn America for acknowledging Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Because Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. A shocking move, I know. The UN vote is a non-binding resolution. Which means the vote was nothing more than a big "F*** you," pointed straight at our tangerine-hued Commander-in-Chief, Donny Trump.
In response, Darling Nikki warned those countries we'd be remembering their dickery the next time they ask for a handout. That's the "bullying" in question, and the Ambassador isn't backing down.
Which brings us to now. Her response to the diplomat:
Yep, it calls for it.
Santa, forget the focus mitts and the mouthguard I asked for. Nikki Haley has satisfied every one of my Christmas desires.
The left has this scenario all wrong. Israel has to contend with the entire world lining up against them. The UN are the bullies, Israel is the four-eyed nerd getting swirlied, wedgied, and robbed of his lunch money between classes. America is the guy who's good in a fight, stepping between the bullies and little Poindexter and saying "leave him alone."
Maybe this is just me being a right wing nutjob. But, when those countries, who happily take our greenbacks, flip us the bird in front of the entire world? I see no controversy in our Ambassador to the UN returning the gesture and closing the coin purse. It's kind of her job.
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