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AbortionMay 14, 2019
No, You Sick F*cks, It's Not Compassionate to Abort Your Baby
If you justify abortion because you think it's better to deny your child life due to [reasons which basically amount to you being a walking garbage pile of a human being], I have some news for you. You're a sick, twisted, hedonistic monster deserving of a midnight visit from karma. I'd urge you to look in a mirror to watch your reaction as you inflict facial self-harm, but you likely haven't a reflection.
There I was, browsing the Twitters, when I came upon this tweet from a person who best represents the kind of evil I'm referring to. Lest you think I'm pulling this one right out of my glorious fanny, no. Behold:
For the leftist simpletons here to screech at me, no, I'm not picking on Jameela because she's a female person of color. I'm picking on Jameela because she's a twisted f*ck who happens to perfectly represent other twisted f*cks who think killing children is somehow compassionate.
No. Killing children is not compassionate. If you killed a child because you couldn't take care of it, you're a twisted f*ck.
Courtney, why do you keep using and censoring "f*ck"? Because I can't think of a better word to call such people who justify their evil by coating their deeds with virtue. But fine, for the sake of expanding my vocabulary, I'll move onto better words.
Imagine, if you will, Jameela saying the same thing about a kitten, puppy, or pick your animal of choice. Ah heck, no need, I'll just retype it with a puppy because I'm a sucker for canines:
"I euthanized a puppy when I was young, and it was the best decision I have ever made. Both for me, and for the puppy I didn't want, and wasn't ready for, emotionally, psychologically and financially. So many puppies will end up in foster homes. So many lives ruined. So very cruel."
Just because you don't want something doesn't mean you should kill it to somehow spare it a life with anyone other than you. You selfish, egotistical tw*ts.
Ah crap, I keep thinking up swear words. I aim to do better.
Last example before I get to the crux of my point: people who justify killing babies they won't take care of are just like people who kill their partners instead of splitting up. Yes, it is just as bad. It's the same thing: "I don't want you, but I don't want anyone else to have you either." Go ahead and tell me it's different, you're wrong.
Not one baby killed in an abortion can reach out to me to verify the insane belief that killing babies is compassionate. Not a single one. That's how oppression works.
In fact, if a woman was in an unfortunate situation and someone held a knife to her throat saying, "It's really the best thing for you, there so much suffering ahead and you should be spared" I BET she'd beg for her life before the killer slit her throat to spare her the suffering of her life which may or may not have actually happened.
Generally speaking, most people would rather endure some kind of hardship, would rather be given the chance at life, than be dismembered and pitched into hefty bags by someone who thinks they know better.
Just spitballing.
Killing someone is not compassionate. To euthanize unborn children simply because YOU don't want them, simply because YOU somehow think that baby might have to face some hardship, that's not compassion. It is the core of evil, human cruelty which masquerades as compassion to ease your own conscience. A conscience which should be troubled by the evil you've accepted into your life.
Also, the tumbler pusher summarizes another point quite succinctly:
So let's just be clear from here on out. People who abort their babies aren't doing it out of compassion. Women abort their babies because, for the most part, they're selfish. Read OPINION: Abortion isn't About Choice. It's About Selfishness. And as The Shapiro said, you can't just kill people I haven't adopted.
We clear?