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Liberal MediaApril 21, 2021
NPR Issues Insane Disclaimer on Ma'Khia Bryant Story: Some Facts Reported May Turn Out Wrong
What follows is an example of how the media has an agenda, makes matters worse, and sucks at life. Just before the Derek Chauvin verdict was read, there was an incident in Columbus. Ma'Khia Bryant was shot by police. NPR's headline for its continuing coverage is Columbus Police Shoot And Kill Black, Teenage Girl. You can diagram the blatant political agenda there. At the bottom of the article is the following disclaimer:
This is a developing story. Some facts reported by the media may later turn out to be wrong.
Disclaimer from NPR on its article (which hasn't yet been updated with new information regarding the body cam video) regarding the Ma'Khia Bryant shooting notes that "facts reported by the media may later turn out to be wrong"https://t.co/mXDPbTS26YÂ pic.twitter.com/41AKRrTfrI
— Shelby Talcott (@ShelbyTalcott) April 21, 2021
I was under the impression that NPR was the media and not a liberal activist organization. I'm also old enough to remember when the media only reported things once ALL the facts were in. But doing so prevents "media" outlets like NPR from promoting an agenda. They wanted this story to be the new George Floyd story. It's clear from the headline. They'll just fix the "facts" as they come in, once they already spun you the way they wanted to.
Instead of waiting for the bodycam footage to be released, as it was shortly after the NPR article went live.
WATCH: Columbus police hold press conference after officer shoots, kills 16-year-old girlyoutu.be
Police broke protocol and released the bodycam footage right away due to the public already calling for mob justice. No doubt due to headlines like from NPR. Some additional facts that have since been added to the NPR article, yet are not reflected in the headline:
Seconds later Bryant and another girl begin fighting in front of the officer.
Bryant can be seen pushing the girl to the ground. She then approaches a second girl and throws her against a car parked on the driveway. The officer shouts "Get down!" three times, pulls out his gun and shoots in Bryant's direction at least four times and she falls to the ground.
As the officer approaches her, a knife can be seen close to her.
The officer then tells two other policemen on the scene that Bryant had a knife and was "coming at" the second girl.
I see. So, a girl (Bryant) was attacking another girl. She threw the girl against the car. She came at the girl with a knife. She was warned three times to get down. At that point, the cop discharged his weapon. Laid out like that, once we waited for more facts, it reads as "Cop Saves Girl from Getting Stabbed." Not "Police Kill Black Girl." The girl allegedly having a weapon completely changes the story NPR was trying to paint. NPR knows this.
Are there still more facts to come out? Of course. This is just a portion of the bodycam footage police had to rush out before the torches and pitchforks were handed out. It's because more facts will be coming out that I don't have much more to say other than what we know now. The problem is "reporters" and "journalists" that Americans rely on don't feel the same way.
Not to pile on NPR, because the rest of the liberal media sucks just as hard. The disclaimer at the bottom makes it look like NPR knows what it's doing. Because, not to go out on too much of a limb here, NPR knows what it's doing.
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