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ColumnsMarch 06, 2019
OPINION: Abortion isn't About Choice. It's About Selfishness.
Last night Steven released part one of the third edition of "I'm Pro-Life: Change My Mind." The argument in that video is reflective of most pro-abortion arguments, which can be boiled down quite simply into pure, self-centered talking points. There are three editions of this particular issue because it's one of life and death. No, that's not hyperbole. An abortion is quite simply a baby condemned to death so the mother can live as she wishes. Often as a self-centered piece of human debris. Sorry, it's true.
Abortion is never really about a woman's survival. Abortion is not exchanging one life for the other, as Planned Parenthood's most devoted acolytes will repeat like a retarded parrot. Abortion is killing someone to preserve a lifestyle.
The left tells us constantly abortion is about choice. This is false. Every single argument the pro-choice side uses eventually reduces to this point: mothers who abort their babies are self-centered and for whatever reason, don't want to care for a baby. It's not the right time. I'd have to give up my career. I'd have to give up school. I couldn't do X thing if I had a child. I don't have the resources. I don't have a husband. I don't have help. I don't have... Me, me, me, me, me, me, me.
A human life is a major responsibility, so sure being pregnant when it wasn't your plan to be pregnant would crimp one's style. There you are living a fabulous life of doing whatever the heck you want, or even just doing what you think needs to be done to survive, then wham-o. Pregnant.
Of course that's not really how it works. Save one rather notable instance, pregnancies arise from sexual reproduction. So the story should be amended: there you are, living your fabulous life full of doing whatever you want including the dude* you thought was worth a romp in the sack, then wham-o. Pregnant.
As Steven hit in the video, there's always a chance sex leads to babies. It's why we call it "sexual reproduction" not "sexual recreation." There's a chance sex leads to babies if you use hormonal birth control. There's a chance sex leads to babies if you use a rubber purchased at a truck stop. There's a chance sex leads to babies always, unless you haven't a uterus.
Which means if you engage in sex, there's always a chance you'll get knocked up. Meaning the consequences of your actions are your responsibility, which doesn't include killing someone because shucks, it's just not the right time.
But I digress. Abortion isn't about choice. It's about escaping responsibility because the person getting an abortion is usually a selfish, self-centered piece of crap. Again, I'm sorry. But it's true. Harsh? You bet. Judgmental? Yes. Still true. Related: Abortion Was Never About Healthcare. It's Always Been About Money from Murder.
Oh sure, I'll concede some women get abortions against their will in order to keep something like the love of their boyfriend, or the approval of their parents. I'll also concede many women who walk into an abortion clinic have bought wholesale that what they're doing is somehow tied into female empowerment ra-ra women's rights. But they're still snuffing their children so they can live as they want to live. 'Tis far easier to kill the kid than to give the child to someone who will love it. Which would've been an act of selflessness. Related: Dear Evil Women Who Abort Their Babies.
See, a woman can still live as she wishes if she gives her child up for adoption. With the added bonus of living a life knowing she gave her child life and love. Yeah, giving a child up for adoption is a difficult choice, but it's one which gives life rather than takes it.
So let's do away with the lies. Let's at least admit what abortion really is: an act of selfishness, not an exercise of choice. Maybe we can have some honest discussion if women are willing to admit they're not so much concerned about "freedom of choice" as they are concerned with "freedom from responsibility."
How many women will be more bothered by being labeled selfish than killing their child?
*Note to all the people who say "But what about if she's raped?" The vast, VAST majority of abortions are performed on women who had consensual sex. Don't take my word for it, I challenge you do to a little Googling all on your own. Every single argument I've had with a pro-abortion person, the argument always goes to "BUT WHAT ABOUT THIS CASE WHICH IS A FRACTION OF ALL THE ABORTIONS I STILL APPROVE OF." So please, just be honest. If you're pro-abortion, you're pro-abortion even when the baby was conceived consensually. You're just throwing in RAPE (yes, all caps) to be disingenuous and muddy the waters. Point is you approve of killing babies, regardless of how they were conceived. Right?
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