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CultureOctober 23, 2019
OPINION: Children Can’t Consent to Sex But It’s Okay to Sex Change Them?
A father has just lost a battle with his ex-wife, in which the ex-wife and current demon-spawn, wants to transform her son into a daughter. The father, having both love for his son and a firmer grasp on reality, objected to his demon-spawn ex forcing his son to live as a girl. He lost the legal battle in a court in Dallas, Texas. Should this evil woman continue down the transgender path, she'll not only force her boy to behave and dress like a girl, she'll presumably pump her son full of foreign and dangerous hormones to make him look like a girl. The sound you hear is all of Hell cheering in unison.
Like everyone else in the conservative and/or sanity space, I believe what's being done to James Younger goes beyond child abuse. If you're out there wondering upon what hill you should die, this is a good contender. It is my opinion -- got that publishers masquerading as platforms who don't even hide their hatred of Louder with Crowder? -- my OPINION, that Jeffery Younger absolutely has the moral duty to take action which may be considered extralegal. As in taking his son from his mother. I believe the proper term here is "kidnapping" but at this point it's a rescue. IN MY OPINION.
As for the legal precedent this case sets, it’s terrifying. Shit parents the country over now have a slippery path before them, in which they too can make up for their lackluster personalities and busted moral compasses by changing the gender of their children. But here’s a question I need answered and I need it answered now. If children cannot consent to have sex because they’re too young to make that decision for themselves, then how can they consent to have their sex changed?
I know, I know, there's actually no way to change anyone's actual sex. That's because sex isn't like an iPhone cover which can be swapped out depending on how basic you're feeling today. One's biological sex is determined by one's DNA. There are two options: male and female. Das it.
But all of that has been said over and over and over and over again. Facts don't matter to these transgender advocates who need to be the poshest trash muffins this side of Sodom and Gomorrah. No, I will not walk back my comparisons of transgender child agendas to that of evil. That's just because it's my opinion those parents pushing transgenderism on their children are evil. Pretty basic.
If the age of consent is 16, or heck, even if it's as low as 14 in some places (simply covering my bases here), then in what mathematical apparatus is this mother justified in making sexual, adult decisions for her seven-year-old son? Since this case is from Texas, I did a little bit of research. Age of consent in Texas is 17:
While Texas penal codes do not use the phrase “age of consent,” they still provide guidelines for the acceptable age of sexual conduct. According to both Penal Code Section 21.11 and Penal Code Section 22.011, it is illegal for an adult to engage in any form of sexual activity with a child under the age of 17. Once that person turns 17, they can give consent and can legally have sex with someone the same age or older.
Riddle me this: how is James's crap mother interfering with his sexual identity (currently) and possible interference with his actual ability to engage in healthy sex via an eventual plan to pump him full of hormones not "illegal for an adult to engage in any form of sexual activity"? Does a sexual predator need to physically engage in sex with a minor for it to be illegal, or just interfering with the sex organs at all? Further, if it's illegal for a parent to pimp out their children for sex, why is it not illegal to pump their children full of hormones which will alter his or her sexual abilities?
If the whole idea of consent is to protect children too young to make such adult decisions, why do adults pushing transgenderism get to make sexual decisions for children?
Furthermore, whatever happened to the leftist anthem of "my body, my choice" as it relates to decisions for someone's own body? Shouldn't young James here be told, even if sex change is something he wants, that he must wait until he's a legal adult to make this decision?
Here's a kicker for you. It is ILLEGAL in the State of Texas for a minor to get a tattoo, even with parental consent. The exception being if the new tattoo is to coverup one already illegally obtained (like a gang tattoo).
Texas Health and Safety Code Ann. §§146.012; 146.124; 146.125Tattooing and Body Piercing on a Minor Prohibited; exceptions. Prohibits anyone from performing a tattoo or body piercing on a person under age 18 without the consent of a parent or guardian who believes it is in the best interest of the minor to cover an obscene or offensive tattoo.
Presumably this tattoo law is in effect because tattoos are permanent. Yeah? So...
Okay, it's not permitted to get inked, but totally fine for mom to stick you with an estrogen-filled syringe? It's not permitted for an adult to toy with a child's sex parts, but okay to alter the sex parts via chemical castration? In what universe is this anything other that complete insanity doused in evil?
Children shouldn't be victims of their parents delusions, inappropriate desires, or society's refusal to accept morality and even reality. What may happen to James may happen to hundreds if not thousands of children everywhere. This child, and all children like him, must be saved. Now.
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