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PoliticsSeptember 05, 2019
OPINION: Sorry Democrats, It's Not the Republicans Who Are Nazis
Dear fascists no longer bothering with pretense,
Finally some honesty. It's all we've ever asked for. Last night at CNN's Town Hall on the "Climate Crisis" your presidential candidates admitted to wanting to regulate nearly every aspect of Americans' lives. These desires to regulate so much of our existence, and to enforce those regulations by silencing opposition through intimidation if not legal action (jailing climate deniers, jailing people for "hate speech") is rather in line with some notorious Big Bads of last century.
Admit it: you have far more in common with the same brown-coated menaces than Republicans and Trump. Allow me to demonstrate with concrete examples.
ONE: culling the population of undesirables (the poor) through genocide.
Let's be clear, Bernie didn't say we should kill poor babies, but it was implied. I know we're not supposed to trigger you delicate flowers of the left, but abortion is genocide. Genocide is defined as the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a certain ethnic group or nation. Abortion is the deliberate killing of unborn babies, and in the case of Bernie Sanders and his population growth concerned acolytes, poor babies. Babies from poor nations. Usually not white nations, by the way. Who else remembers a famous act of genocide, enacted to rid a nation of undesirables of a certain religious affiliation, hmm?
Also, how do you know what the planet can or cannot sustain? The premise of the population control movement is that somehow "there are too many people" usually so people like you can justify acts of genocide. "There are too many people" has been said for at least one hundred years. Yet we're still here. So... Riddle me that.
TWO: Deciding what we can and cannot EAT!
"My body, my choice" my ass. Now you're telling us what we can and cannot consume.
Kamala says she wants to "ban certain behaviors." Not like killing your baby. No that's fine. Especially if it's some poor brown baby. But eating cheeseburgers or meat at all, that's verboten.
Oh sure, Kamala is talking about reconstituting the food pyramid and "incentivizing" certain behaviors. But let's play this out. Take a cheeseburger and treat it like cigarettes, which have a "sin" tax to de-incentivize smoking. The sin is just eating that which tastes good. I see sugar also got lumped into the mix.
Since when did you Democrats deem yourselves America's nagging parents, telling the American children what we can and cannot consume? This is a dangerous slippery slope. As my coworker, Reg pointed out via text: "when have Democrats ever said something SHOULD be a certain way and then not eventually demanded the government step in and FORCE people to do what they’ve said SHOULD be done?"
Fair question.
THREE: Mandatory gun buybacks and general gun control malfeasance.
Though not from last night, this is from four days ago:
Guess who else loved gun control? Adolf Hitler. Thought I was going to beat around the swastika on that one, didn't you? Why be subtle when I can just be clear that dictators the world over love themselves gun control much like you Democrats. Especially the kind that disarms people of "weapons of war" which is just code for "only the government should have those, peasants." Venezuelans also had their guns confiscated, but the military still has its "weapons of war." So pardon me if I'd rather trust myself and my fellow countrymen with "weapons of war" than surrender them to the same government who couldn't prevent a couple of mass shootings, or even watch over Jeffrey Epstein long enough before he "committed" "suicide."
FOUR: Banning things we use, as small as a plastic straw to as large as our gasoline-powered cars.
I'm not sure what the French is for this, but f*ck you. Bleeping that for the Facebook overlords who are already going to limit the reach of this post for comparing you dictator-wannabes to historical dictators. We're talking about straws and cars now. You control-freak poop demons want to take away straws AND cars. Evidence:
I need gifs to best represent how this makes me feel.
That felt nice, maybe one or two more.
Last one I promise:
That's rather enough. No, not enough gifs, but enough regulation of my life. Nevermind electric cars get their power from batteries, which have to be charged via electricity, usually generated by COAL, but what if I don't want an electric car? Where's my right to freedom? Related: WATCH: Why Electric Cars are Stupid, and NOT Green At All.
Oh shucks, don't know how that snuck in here.
I want to be crystal clear about something: it's not about climate change. It never was. Climate change is but a vehicle to ram through more government control. For that matter, it's not about transgenderism, the LGBT "equality" agenda, or any other pet cause adopted by you leftist tw*ts. We call this concept missing the forest for the trees, distracting people by getting caught up in minutiae like gender pronouns, Paris Climate Accords, or what group should be taxed more than another. Which isn't to say we shouldn't rebut or debunk insidious ideas coming from your ivory towers. We should. We shall.
But your causes are trojan horses meant to break through people's natural barriers in order to take complete control of their lives. As was quite evident last night when you admitted wanting to regulate our behaviors, without even hiding it.
We see you, Democrats. We appreciate you're finally transparent, brave enough even, to admit what you really want. To dictate how we, the Ameican people, can best live our lives. Not by making our own choices, but by accepting you know best, that you have the best intentions and somehow know better than all of us. What we should eat. What we should drive. How we should be educated. How many children we should have, if any at all. What kind of entertainment we should consume. The words we use in everyday speech.
So, Democrats, let's continue the honesty: Republicans are not the Nazis. Trump is not Hitler. But you. Well. Time to take an accounting of who you are, what you stand for, and how you treat those who oppose you.
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