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FeaturedMay 22, 2019
OPINION: You Cannot be Pro-Science AND Pro-Abortion
Drawing a line on this one. You cannot claim to "believe in science" (as if science is a belief system) and justify the act of abortion. With one and only one exception: you know the unborn child is a child, and you want to kill it anyway, damn the consequences which may result in your eternal damnation. This one and only exception applies specifically to abortion doctors, or even doctors in general, who have been educated in fetal development and still think abortion is totes fine. That's not anti-science, it's just kind of evil. Okay? Okay.
But for everyone else, if you try to justify and explain away abortion as "women's healthcare," you cannot also be "pro-science."
Here, a meme:
A human being becomes a human being at conception. That is, when daddy's swimmer engages in the meet-cute with mommy's egg. A sperm is not a human. An egg is not a human. A human becomes a human when one gamete converges with the other in what science has revealed as a magical display of life-sparking wonder. Watch WATCH: New, Incredible Scientific Footage Confirms EXACTLY When Life Begins.
Yet people who are pro-abortion claim science is unclear on when human life begins. Which is false in every sense of the word. To say science is unclear on when life begins is to be completely anti-science. And anti-definitions of words.
Pro-abortion zealots also claim an unborn baby (fetus, embryo, zygote, whatever term you choose depending on the level of development) is part of the "woman's body." Incorrect for a number of easy scientific, anatomical facts:
A human being has ten fingers, ten toes, one heart, one nose. If a woman is pregnant with one child, that child also has ten fingers, ten toes, one heart, one nose. No woman that I'm aware of has twenty fingers, twenty toes, two hearts and two noses.
Yes, the rhyme was intentional. I had some iced coffee and I'm feeling fly.
Yet the pro-abortion zealots contort themselves into philosophical pretzels to say a fetus is part of a mother's body that she can do with whatever she pleases. A human baby gestates inside a female's body. After nine months, that baby is born. Tell me what major human organ/system can remove itself from a woman's body resulting in no major negative effects to her body?
No, not like a parasite. An unborn human child behaves in no way like a parasite. Yet the pro-abortion left insists, while also claiming to be PRO-SCIENCE, a human child is a parasite. Steven Crowder hit this point in a I'm Pro-Life: Change My Mind. Time-stamped below for your viewing pleasure:
Life begins at conception. An unborn human being has its own body that lives inside the mother. Unborn children are not parasites.
Fourth and final point of contention here. A human baby is a human baby no matter how that baby was conceived. There is absolutely no difference in how a child is formed in the womb if that child's father is married to its mother, related to its mother, or raped its mother. An unborn human child is an unborn human child no matter its paternity.
Yet the pro-abortion left wants exceptions for the allowance of an unborn child's removal from the womb based on who fathered that child. That's not science. That's hateful discrimination, punishing a child for his or her father's crimes. A punishment which carries the sentence of death.
Is there a state in America which punishes rapists with death? Or do we just sentence babies to death for a rape they didn't commit?
Parting point here. There are four main differences between a born human and an unborn human, easily remembered with the acronym SLED, which stands for Size, Level of development, Environment and Degree of dependency. SLED is relevant not only for unborn vs. born babies, but babies vs children, children vs. adults, adults vs. the elderly. A person's humanity is not determined by his or her size; his or her level of development (a human who crawls is just as human as she who walks, who's just as human as he who graduates with honors); his or her physical surroundings (inside a womb, outside a womb, inside a house, outside a house), or his degree of dependency, (whether he's dependent on his mother as a baby, a teenager, a college student in mom's basement, or on a ventilator).
To be pro-science is to understand what is real versus what you tell yourself to justify the killing of an unborn person. Science is about what is. And an unborn human being is an unborn human being, no matter how inconvenient it may be to you.
~ Written by Courtney Kirchoff
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