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COVIDJuly 20, 2020
Oxford Epidemiologists Say Shutdowns Don't Work and Question Masks
Actually the Oxford epidemiologists Tom Jefferson and Carl Heneghan basically took a dump all over masks, but the "independent" Facebook fact checkers would restrict the reach of this article had I dare pen any kind of word combination which questioned the godly use of beloved face diapers. But watch this video and you tell me these epidemiologists are onboard the good ship Mask to Save Granny. The two were asked a series of questions, many of the same questions media asks in order to keep the COVID-19 ratings high— at least that's my opinion — and provided a number of common sense responses. Far from the hyperventilating insanity we're getting from media and Facebook commenters who insist the WuHuFlu will kill us all.
The full video from Unherd.com is 45 minutes. Yes, long. But fascinating.
Oxford epidemiologists: suppression strategy is not viableyoutu.be
On masks:
Tom Jefferson: "Aside from people who are exposed on the frontlines, there is no evidence that masks make any difference, but what's even more extraordinary is the uncertainty: we don't know if these things make any difference…. We should have done randomised control trials in February, March and April but not anymore because viral circulation is low and we will need huge number of enrolees to show whether there was any difference".
Carl Heneghan: "By all means people can wear masks but they can't say it's an evidence-based decision… there is a real separation between an evidence-based decision and the opaque term that 'we are being led by the science', which isn't the evidence".
On lockdown:
Carl Heneghan: "Many people said that we should have locked down earlier, but 50% of care homes developed outbreaks during the lockdown period so there are issues within the transmission of this virus that are not clear… Lockdown is a blunt tool and there needs to be intelligent conversations about what mitigation strategies can keep society functioning while we keep the most vulnerable shielded".
Regards masks, there really is little evidence cloth masks do a damn thing. In fact, the studies that are out there about cloth masks (not to be confused with medical masks worn by health care workers, or N-95 masks) actually make you MORE susceptible to illness, since breathing in the moisture trapped in the mask will make you sicker. Read Cloth Masks Aren't As Effective As Masked-Hordes Say, According to This 2015 Study. Even one of the blokes here commented on how cloth masks become more permeable once wetted by saliva. Likely spewed while lecturing some hero who refused to don one. Allow me to drop in another article you may enjoy: Two Masked Morons Confronted This Man in a Walmart. His Response is Perfection.
Which isn't to say you can't show your fellow Walmart shoppers how much you care about everyone else's grandmother by wearing a fashionable face scarf. I know that's the going mantra, that somehow you wearing a mask is saving someone else's life. Cute. You're allowed to believe whatever you want. You're free to strap a swath of cloth around your mouth and/or nose. Since most of you are just putting it around your mouth. No hating, just observing. But don't wear your mask thinking the science is behind you.
As far as the lockdowns go, most of the outbreaks have occurred in the old folks's homes, and likely many of those AFTER the shutdowns. The major outbreaks didn't take place in Daytona beach parties. Not skinny dipping in the Ozarks. And not, to my knowledge, in any school where young chitlins were learning their reading, writing, and social justice.
Regardless, media and panic pornographers (as they've been aptly dubbed) insist we must obey: wear the mask, shut it all down.
Carl Heneghan: "We as individuals are part of the problem because sensationalism drives people to click and read the information. So it's a big circle because we've created the problem — if we put the worst case scenario out there, we will go and have a look. If you want a solution, you've got to get people to stop clicking on this sensationalist stuff".
No mask-wearing hippy wants to hear that it's starting to look as though COVID-19 is less deadly than the seasonal flu. No one on CNN or MSNBC wants to say that the virus they've donated a chyron graphic to, and have reaped clicks and views from, is just a bad cough for people under 70. No politician who coined, or used the term "invisible enemy" wants to admit 2.5 million people were never going to die, that the virus is weak sauce, and the lives lost and destroyed over the shutdown were all for naught.
So too many people, in my opinion, are going along with the lie to save face. Too many people, in my opinion, want and continue to want to believe they're living through some kind of apocalyptic plague, that they're finally part of something larger than themselves, that by staying home and wearing a patch of fabric over their mouth and/or nose has made them self-sacrificing heroes.
They're wrong. And lives will have been forever destroyed because of it.
The Man Behind the COVID-19 Panic! | Ep 672 Louder with Crowderyoutu.be
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