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ArticlesNovember 06, 2019
Parents Magazine Posts Photo of 4-Year-Old with Sign 'Men Have Periods Too.' The Angry Comments are Gold.
You may think the entire world has gone mad, but I assure you it hasn't. A select few people in media and government set an agenda, and some duteous and loud internet foot soldiers take up the mantel. But as much as the crazy left would like to believe, most people are not onboard with the gender fluid, "men can have periods, too" talking point. Parents Magazine learned that after exploiting someone's four-year-old boy, Eli, to push the anti-science gender-fluid narrative on Instagram. Read the insidious caption, then skip on down to the top-voted comments. For there you will find your faith in humanity restored. At least for today.
Going out on a limb here, I think Parents Magazine assumed this notion of men getting periods too was more mainstream. In reality, no. As promised, below are a few of the comments so you can see just how out of touch the gender theory nonsense actually is. I left out their usernames on purpose:
Omg ... LEAVE KIDS OUT OF IT!!! LET THEM BE KIDS..... they don't even teach about menstrual cycles to the 5th grade. This is a sad and pathetic attempt on the mother's part to exploit her child and get a pat on the back. This kid is way too young to grasp the reality of what's being talked about here. Let him be a kid. This is disgusting to exploit this child. It's a mom wants to hold up a sign and post it on social media, then so be it.
Agreed. Let the kids just have their childhoods. It's a short time, they have plenty of years to wade into the world of adult crap.
Not trying to be ignorant here but how do men have periods? And why can't there be a difference between what you physically are and what you identify as. I feel like these gender roles are taking away from actual science. Everyone should just love one another equally regardless of your preferences but still don't ignore the fact that you were born with female organs. There's nothing wrong with being a "female" (i.e. having female organs) and wanting to engage in male activities or dress or act like a male but at the end of the day you are a female and there should be no shame in that. Also I agree on not bringing kids into it until they are old enough to understand. I have plenty of gay and trans friends but I think this is getting too carried away.
Men don't have periods and we need many more people like this speaking out against this madness. Kudos.
........ I’m sorry but I think someone needs a biology lesson. No ovaries no opinion! If you don’t have the reproductive female internal organs there is no possible way you can have a menstrual cycle aka “a period”. Thank you next.
True. But since when did what is true matter to the far-left pushing an agenda?
This is insane. This 4 year old is going to grow up thinking he's going to get a period. A 4 year old shouldn't know anything about a period. This is going to confuse him on so many levels. I feel like this might be attention seeking. Sorry not sorry. Let kids be kids😡
It feels like attention seeking because it is.
Bear in mind the following:
- These negative comments were not posted on Daily Wire, Louder with Crowder, The Blaze, or Fox News. This gender theory nonsense got slammed on Parents' Instagram account. Which I don't think is any way a conservative echo chamber.
- Outside of maybe Jezebel or clearly far-left publications, fans and readers are not far-left. Heck, even if they are far-left politically, a lot of people still feel that children should be excluded from this gender theory discussion.
- The longer the far-left pushes the indoctrination and exploitation of children for the LGBT cause, the more they'll alienate just about everyone. Possibly including the LGBs.
For more: Dear 'Parents' Stop Whoring Your Kids to LGBTQ Perverts and Texas School District Rolls Out Transgender Education for 8-Year-Olds.
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