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Culture WarsApril 22, 2024
Watch: Trans middle schooler beats female student to a bloody pulp and this brave girl wants to know why the school did NOTHING
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A brave middle school student spoke out, wanting to know why the school did nothing about her friend getting beaten to a bloody pulp when a) she warned her teacher what was going to happen, b) her teacher said don't worry about it, and c) the girl was NEXT on the student's "hit list."
The incident took place at Pennbrook Middle School in Pennsylvania, when the 13-year-old assailant attacked the 12-year-old female victim in the cafeteria with a Stanley Cup, repeatedly hitting her with it until it opened a wound on her head. Both The Daily Mail and Reduxx are reporting that the assailant was a "trans" student, a boy who identifies as a girl named "Melanie."
- The boy identifies as a girl named "Melanie."
- The boy had been permitted to use the female restrooms at the school.
- The boy had only recently been transferred into the school where the assault took place.
- The boy…
— REDUXX (@ReduxxMag) April 20, 2024
Most other reports on the incident don't mention the student being trans, and identify the student as "her." Whether or not it is another case of a school hiding details and ignoring problems for perceived political reasons is unclear. Also unclear is how any school board members could listen to this student addressing the email sent to parents attempting to whitewash the incident and not resign in disgrace.
"All you see is blood everywhere. You say in your email it was 'eight minutes,' but we timed it and it was twenty-eight minutes. And we had to sit there and watch them clean up her blood off those tables. And we had to watch them take her out with blood dripping down her face. I will never forget that."
"You could've stopped it. It was five hours from when I told you it was going to happen. I don't get how you couldn't have stopped that."
Horrific: "We warned my counselor it was going to happen bc I was 2nd on the 'HIT LIST' [and] was told to watch my back bc he's coming for you at lunch."
Listen to this brave 12yo girl, an eyewitness & friend of victim, describe the gruesome Pennbrook attack that had been… pic.twitter.com/lufSsIb8M6
— K Fitton (@KelFitton) April 20, 2024
I'd say stop us if you've heard this before, but I know most of you have. Let's set aside the "trans" part and that, according to reports, it was a thirteen-year-old boy violently assaulting a twelve-year-old girl. Let's even say that the incident was only eight minutes and not twenty-eight minutes.
How does it take grown adults longer than sixty seconds to stop a tween armed with nothing but a plastic cup? Did the guidance counselor and lunch room monitor need to read a handbook to see what they were allowed to do while a twelve-year-old girl was being beaten to a bloody mess?
Anytime your school superintendent gives you a version of "an incident happened, but you have nothing to worry about," worry about it.
Brodigan is Grand Poobah of this here website and when he isn't writing words about things enjoys day drinking, pro-wrestling, and country music. You can find him on the Twitter too.
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