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Culture WarsOctober 03, 2023
After Patriotic Student Walkout, School District Votes That Male Students Can't Use The Girls' Bathroom Anymore
The Perkiomen Valley school board passed a bathroom policy on Monday night just weeks after voting it down.
Although you would think we wouldn't need such a policy for something that was once considered common sense for the majority of human existence, students are now required to use the bathroom that aligns with their biological sex.
This move comes after hundreds of students walked out of class after the same board failed to enact the policy, essentially allowing men to use the girls' bathroom.
"Kids were upset. Girls… we wanted to protect them. They were upset. They didn't want men in their bathroom," John Ott, who organized the walkout, told Fox News at the time of the protest.
Proposed Policy 720 came after a local father posted on social media that his daughter was left "too upset and emotionally disturbed" to walk into bathrooms after she allegedly had an encounter with a trans student in one of the facilities.
The district is now required to "provide access to Multi-User Facilities for students based on their sex. ... In all school buildings in this District, restrooms, locker rooms, and showers that are designated for one (1) sex shall be designated for use only by members of that sex. No person shall enter a restroom, locker room, or shower that is designated for the use of the opposite sex."
And by sex, they mean biological sex. Not the whole ‘trans women are women’ bogus nonsense.
The crazy thing is, well one of the many crazy things about all of this, is that when a boy used to enter the girls' bathroom it was not uncommon for them to be expelled. But now we stand back and allow people to pretend as if that is somehow “brave."
But good on the students who knew what was truly going on here and were aware of the true repercussions of all of this. Which is that you cannot protect ‘trans rights’ and women's safe spaces at the same time. You can either allow men to enter the women's bathroom, or you can prevent it.
It doesn't even matter if that aforementioned scenario actually happened, what matters is that ‘adults’ who are tasked with protecting kids, allowed for the potential of that to happen. Which is just as awful.
We know what happens when men are allowed to freely enter women-only spaces. And it is not good.
The whole premise to allow such a thing to go on insists on compromising the safety of the majority of the population so that an itty bitty fraction of the population can have their gender delusion validated.
This is cruel to both the transformers and the normal kiddos as we have never cheered on mental delusion until the whole gender-bender movement infiltrated this nation's school system.
I guess the school board needed to be reminded that other people have rights too. And that it can't always be about the alphabet mob.
But hey, at least the board was being "inclusive."