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Culture WarsNovember 01, 2023
Public School Hires Consultants To Instruct Teachers On Alleged ‘White Supremacy’ In Math
We know institutions are racist. We know AI is racist. And we know that the climate is racist even though white people have to wear more sunscreen than any other race.
But it’s time demands are met for math liberation!
Did you know math is also racist?
Yes, math is racist even though Asians are statistically better at it than any other race. It just is, okay?
Math is the abstract science of number, quantity, and space. It can be as simple as two plus two equals four, or as complicated as the speed of light. You may think this is an objective phenomenon but it's actually not. Well, at least according to progressives.
White supremacy has still managed to take hold of arithmetic even though the Sumerians are believed to have first used a counting system.
While businessmen in India and China are high-fiving each other, the Pittsburgh Public Schools Board is bringing in a consulting group to “identify, disrupt, and replace white supremacy culture practices in math instruction with practices that center the wellness of students of color.”
What exactly does that mean you ask? That's unclear, but it will cost the district $50,000 to have Quetzal Education Consulting dismantle racism in math classes.
“Decolonize. Reclaim. Reimagine,” the consulting firm's homepage says in big bright letters.
“We’ve been effectively disrupting several forms of oppression in our careers as educators. We have learned how to assess, redistribute, and disrupt power dynamics for the purposes of liberation,” according to its website.
How exactly do you “disrupt” forms of oppression in math in order to disrupt power dynamics for the purposes of liberation? I am genuinely curious since I just can’t seem to wrap my head around that statement.
“We remain aware of and connected to our ancestral legacy of genius. Our work honors the ancestral traditions and teachings of Black and Brown freedom fighters who have paved the way for us and future generations.”
This makes absolutely no sense. Asian countries consistently dominate the top spots when it comes to math. These people are so insanely stupid it’s infuriating.
Over 50 percent of students in the district are black.
The purpose of the introductory workshops is to confront “oppressive practices in math instruction with practices that center the wellness of students of color and to provide opportunities for math departments and math teachers to grow their antiracist math praxis collaboratively in pedagogy and instruction.”
One of the co-founders, Dani Wadlington, claims she’s been “on a journey of co-creating spaces to spark self-actualization and social change for youth of Color.”
In the district, 29 percent of elementary school students are proficient in math, 24 percent of middle schoolers are proficient, and 47 percent of high schoolers tested at or above the level for math.
Obviously, we are supposed to believe the reason students can’t do math is because of racism.
What exactly will it take to make math, not racism? Are we really supposed to take it seriously that board members tasked with “education” really believe numbers are racist? Math isn’t even something that was invented, it was discovered.
Anyone who knows that two plus two equals four knows that math is not racist. The very fact that “educators” are insisting that makes them the most racist among us. The woke are so busy insisting minorities aren’t capable of learning the exact same material as white people in the very same classrooms, they want to dumb down the material. Progressive literally thinks minorities are too dumb to learn math.
You honestly cannot get more racist than that. It’s very sad what they are doing to students.