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PoliticsAugust 26, 2021
Principal Threatens Teenager, Calls Cops, Locks Down School Over Two Students ... Not Wearing Masks
The first day of school in California is a helpful full reminder of three facts. One is that the anti-science left has lost their minds demanding kids wear masks. Two is that students need to have their smartphone or another recording device on them at all times. Three is Californians need to remember to VOTE YES and recall Gavin Newsom. Two students refused to wear masks for religious reasons. The result? A principal threatened one of the students, the cops were called, and the school went into lockdown. All over two kids not wearing a face diaper. (h/t Biz Pac Review)
Two students expelled from school for not wearing masksyoutu.be
PRINCIPAL: I need you to stand up or we will have to physically remove you from the classroom.
STUDENT: Please don't touch me.
Regarding the religious exception, the school issued a statement: "There are no religious exemptions in the state mask order nor has the right to an exemption even been recognized by the Supreme Court because it's a neutral law of general application to protect public health." On the surface, claiming you aren't wearing masks over your religious beliefs seems a bit of a stretch. But it's California where you get self-identify as one of 217 different genders. If you self-identify as a religion that believes you will go to hell wearing a mask in your Global Studies class, I'm not one to judge. But it might be easier to refuse masks on the grounds of your deeply held science beliefs.
The left's obsession with wearing masks and making sure our kids always have masks on is turning into a sick fetish. And I realize, because of the times we live in, both sides of the mask mandated vs freedom argument have their extremes. But if I had to choose? I'll take the side where sometimes people break Godwin's law over the side that locksdown an entire school as if there was a terrorist attack over a brother and sister not covering their faces. All over a virus that, after eighteen months plus fifteen days of data and research (you know, science) a rational person would have reasonable doubt about the people forcing mask mandates and lockdowns.
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“You may not know what COVID is" - Biden #shortsyoutu.be
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