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ShowJune 10, 2022
Sloppy Looking Pro-Choice Activists Strip Down to Undies, Interrupt Church Service for Some Reason
Leftists are goofy people. Abortion activists are ultra-goofy people. They're also insane and deranged--it comes with the bloodlust--but that's a discussion for another time, and one we should start taking seriously as more people become emboldened by Democratic politicians to take matters into their own hands and, I don't know, threaten or attempt to assassinate Supreme Court justices who disagree with them.
But when they aren't out being violent terrorists, they are spreading their vile message of baby murder in the most ineffective ways possible, like these unkempt feminists who decided to strip down to their skivvies and scream at Joel Osteen during a church service.
Chubby Abortion Activists SCREAM at Joel Osteen | Louder With Crowderwww.youtube.com
Bearing skin isn't a new tactic of the left. They're fond of stripping down to protest. It doesn't help their message at all, but they like being naked.
I also wonder who they were hoping to convince at Osteen's church? They just come off as obnoxious, and they are certainly that, but was that their entire goal? They just want to be pests and interrupt the service for all of a few minutes before being escorted out. They gather themselves in the parking lot, exchange high-fives, then meet the rest of the feminist gang at the waffle house for a jumbo plate of chicken and waffles with extra syrup? I just don't understand how this furthers their goals...
I might be thinking a little too much about this. I need to think like a leftist, feminist baby killer...
*Proceeds to clear brain of any thoughts*
Okay, no, I'm back. That was scary. But I think I get it now. I think you get it, too. Let's not do that again.
We can definitely expect more of this as the SCOTUS prepares to release the official decision in Dobbs v. Mississippi, which allegedly--as per the leaked majority decision--overturns Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey, returning the conversation about the legality of abortion to the states. Things are going to get wild.
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