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RiotsJuly 27, 2020
Radio Host Mocked Trump for Saying Seattle was Burning. His Seattle Apartment was Just Torched...
To be fair, radio host Paul Gallant sees the irony in what happened. A few weeks ago, he told President Trump to "Chill Dawg" when Trump was setting Tweeter alight with slights against CHAZ, Durkan, and the Starbucks capital of the world, Seattle. But over the weekend, when Portland's thuggary migrated to Gay Bay North (we call it that, chill dawgs), suddenly the bag of burning canine caca hit the fan. This story is owed in large part to The Blaze, which is where I saw it first and couldn't resist adding my own commentary to it.
Let's get it started with what got it started. The day is July 12 (so, two-ish weeks ago). The president cracked his knuckles and got to tweeting at the libs to own the libs. He snagged himself a Seattle-ite who'd later taste the bitterness of his own city's lawlessness:
This is why we knock on wood before making such utterances. According to the people who lived in Capitol Hill during the Free Love of CHAZ, there was quite a bit of mayhem. Including shootings. I think there were at least three shootings in and around CHAZ prior to the 12th, or in Paul's case, the night of the 11th. I know this, as my Louder with Crowder posse was all supposed to be here in June to see the CHAZ, but we re-arranged plans after Mayor Durkan called for it to be shutdown post shooting number 2 (as I recall).
But that's not why you're here.
I want to be clear. I'm not celebrating what happened to Paul's abode, nor the Starbucks below it. I always felt the love of hating Starbucks was a bit overblown, but then again we all love what we love to hate. To each their own cup of java.
The Portland riots are terrible. The Seattle riots are terrible. They're all terrible and we need each city's leadership to put a stop to this nonsense or have Trump send in the National Guard. Enough already.
But I do find a little humor (okay, I find a lot of humor) in the person who downplayed the rioting situation only to be an eventual victim of the rioting situation. LISTEN, the violence itself isn't funny. It's the situational humor that's amusing, people, lighten up.
Paul should be angry. And Paul should get a gun. And Paul, please let us know that you and the cat are okay. Specifically the cat. Watching all the two-leggeds acting insane has me cuddling the four-leggeds close. I've never been more convinced of my rightness to keep animals in my life and the people socially distanced. So many crazy people.
All this keeps happening and it seems like zero people in power are doing anything about it. Remember that in November. If we want change, we have to change it. Paul, that means not voting for Inslee. Wise up, buttercup.
To his credit, Paul is having a smile about the irony he's unwittingly found himself. He needs credit for that, so don't troll him. He's not a dumb like everyone in Seattle leadership.
Good on him. Hopefully the insurance company will set this kind of okay. I'd advise a change of leadership and maybe getting out of Seattle if he can. I'm all about standing ground to fight back, but when leadership is on the side of the marauding hordes, and there's little to no reason to live in the cities since a lot of work is remote (not sure that works out for Paul in radio), might want to branch out into the burbs. I already know everyone in Seattle is trying to do so just based on the housing market, but that's too inside the weeds for those of you outside the PNW.
EVERYTHING WRONG WITH CHAZ! | Louder with Crowderyoutu.be
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