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CultureJune 03, 2020
Angry About Riots and COVID? This Guy's Rant is for You!
Obviously most of you have Facebook. You're most likely reading this right now because you clicked a link from it. So you've no doubt been surprised by how many people you know have horrible opinions, lately, mostly centered around COVID-19 and riots. Also, about when is the right time to hit an angry mob with your car (see RIOTERS ATTACK FEMALE DRIVER. SHE DRIVES THROUGH THEM, THEN TURNS BACK TO HIT THEM AGAIN and EVEN MORE RIOTERS ATTACK A DRIVER IN AN SUV, AND EVEN MORE RIOTERS GET PLOWED). Most shocking is when some of these opinions come from friends and family members. It makes you angry, but you don't know how to properly let the rage out. So let Robert Frank do it for you.
I've been lucky. Most of my Facebook time is people who are anti-riots, anti-looting, and anti-letting a mob beat you to death while you are trapped in your car. Those who are making excuses for it have mostly been muted from their COVID rants and celebrating when people got arrested for leaving their house. Also, and I don't care if I'm beating a dead horse by bringing this up again, SHUT OFF SOCIAL MEDIA OCCASIONALLY! If people have dumb opinions, you don't have engage them. Shut the computer off, spend time with your family, read a book, listen to music, have a drink, smoke some weed, get laid ... whatever floats your boat. Just back away from the computer.
But I get the anger of looking at other people's comments and wondering either what world they are living in or if they even believe what they're saying. Thank you, Mr. Frank. May we all get back to our gyms soon.
Our Dallas Riots Interview Behind-The-Scenes DRAMA!youtu.be
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