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VideosMarch 12, 2019
REBUTTAL: AOC's Response to Crowder!
Steven Crowder responds to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's recent tweet response where she claimed systemic racism was real. Spoiler alert: No!
Can we start talking about how kids need dads? Or that maybe mandating children go to crappy state schools due to the location of their residence is a problem? Maybe instead of screaming "RACISM" every chance we get, we should address the real problems people experience. But only if we want to solve the problems.
For more:
- EXPOSED: The Real Reasons Democrats Are Fighting School Choice and Charter Schools
- John Stossel Shows How Privatizing Schools Vastly Benefits Students
- YES! Sheriff Clarke Blasts Democrats in Open Letter to Black Community
- Denzel Washington: I'm Here to Serve God, Here to Serve my Family
- Larry Elder Takes #BlackLivesMatter and Fatherless Homes to Task
- Mike Rowe Comes to the Defense of Fathers in America
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