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CultureJuly 15, 2020
The Washington Redskins Caved to Cancel Culture, and the Hodge Twins have Thoughts
In the name of police reform in the wake of Floyd Taylor, the Washington Redskins announced they're going to change their team name. No, George Taylor wasn't Native-American and this has nothing to do with police reform. But white liberals have wanted the name changed for a while (since they feel Native-Americans — like all marginalized people — don't have the ability to speak for themselves), and progressive activism is 90% meaningless symbolism and 10% hashtags.
Our friends the Hodge Twins have some thoughts on the matter, as well as some suggestions for team names. None of which I will be repeating. But hey, if you press the play button, who am I to judge?
Redskins Owner Caves To Leftist Mob Decides To Change Team Nameyoutu.be
I just want sports back. All Elite Wrestling is able to run bi-weekly shows with effective 'rona testing. The UFC has fights all the time, and any positive tests are from outside of the fights. What's with all the other sports leagues? I don't care what your team name is. The NFL can change every team name to the [City] Non Player Characters. As long as the players deliver on the fantasy points, I really don't care.
Not saying that the team name change isn't silly and ridiculous, and only spurs more leftists demanding out team names be changed. Negotiating with terrorists will do that. But on the landscape of the culture wars, I'll leave what we call sports teams to y'all. I just want the games.
The Adventures of The White Privilege Boys: Traffic Violation! | Louder With Crowderyoutu.be
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