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ArticlesDecember 20, 2019
Ricky Gervais Defends Women, J.K. Rowling Against Hateful Transgender Allies
Thus far, the two most prominent vocal defenders of women against the transgender movement are two stinking wealthy Britons who complete each morning backstroking through piles of cash, made largely through their own independent creations. Ricky Gervais and now, J.K. Rowling. Yesterday's news cycle was largely dominated by Rowling who said things that were true, namely "sex is real." This caused conniption fits through much of the transgender internet. A place almost as important, and real, as Hogwarts. Coming to her defense with truckloads of his own f*ck you money, Ricky Gervais.
Here's what happened. Jarvis Dupont, a writer and I believe a satirist for the Spectator USA, penned a hilarious satire piece (which is borderline real) about what a TERF (trans-exclusionary radical feminist) Rowling is for saying true things. That's when Ricky cracked knuckles and got to work.
Like Jarvis, Ricky's tongue is firmly buried in his cheek. That doesn't matter or register with people who believe reality is what they say it is this morning.
Bazinga. Protecting the rights of women matter more than protecting the feelings of men, even if those men insist they're women. As always rights > feelings. A moral scale that also applies to abortion, by the way, but that's a subject for another time.
I love this comeback. Bullies like the vocal, whiny transgenders and their allies haven't exactly kept their wants, demands, and agenda tucked away like the penis most of them will never hack off. They're right out in the open. A transgender lady needn't be consulted on this topic of reality.
Nailed it. The left, but particularly the transgender fascists cannot argue their ideas. Their ideas are shite and run contrary to biology and reality itself. Rather than trying to win hearts and minds, the transgender fascists simply try to end their opposition. They line up people who question them up against a wall and shout "FIRE!"
You have the right to say whatever you want. Ricky has the right to smear your face in it like you just did a doody in the hallway.
Janice's point is also right on. Just asserting a truth these days will get you canceled by the transgender fascists, the global warming alarmists, the pro-baby-killing hordes, and other leftists who want to tank normalcy and basic truth.
Lastly, this one is from Jarvis Dupont, the author of the Spectator USA article Ricky initially responded to.
It's satire, but dang it if it doesn't sound exactly like a leftist.
As to Rowling, my guess is she's off somewhere fabulous giving no effs. Is there a chance she'll cave? Maybe. I only admit that one to hedge bets. She has a habit, though, of doubling down.
Keep fighting, you two. The rest of us reality adherents appreciate it and hope your willingness to fight inspires others to do the same.
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