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Free SpeechJuly 02, 2019
Ricky Gervais Scolds Violent Leftists Like Antifa and Their Milkshake-Throwing Ways
Milkshaking is back in the news as a result of reporter Andy Ngo being assaulted by ANTIFA in Portland (see Dear Media: Your Failure to Condemn Antifa Proves Donald Trump is Right About You… and WATCH: “Fact” “Checking” Site Snopes Ignores Video of Antifa Attacking Journalist). Which has lead to a lot of people mocking and ridiculing the Democrat party's foot soldiers who solve their problems with violent dairy projectiles. Not that assault is funny. As much as spoiled kids leaving their mother's basement to throw what is basically frothed melted ice cream at people. Ricky Gervais brings up a point not many others on the left has the courage to make.
I believe that's what the British would call "a bunch of c*nts."
Then came the mockery.
This last part shouldn't need to be explained.
At least they're wasting fast-food milkshakes. Wasting a homemade, served out of an old school metal container milkshakes should be a hate crime. It's frozen sugar milk, people. It's to be enjoyed on a hot day with a hearty attitude of not giving any f*cks about calories. Throwing these delicacies at people is just wrong on so many culinary levels.
Notice no one is throwing avocado toast. No one is throwing bacon. No one is throwing brie or splashes of a hearty Zinfindel. They're throwing frothed dariy they didn't even froth themselves. Bunch of feckless lactose haters.
But let's skip over the bubble blowing and get to the heart of the matter: the rationale behind the rash of assaults is the really troubling thing. These Democrat foot soldiers have been told for the past ten years that anyone who disagrees with them is a racist, sexist, transphobic homophobe who hates poor people and baby cows. When you've been encouraged to think that, you justify every action you take.
And people like Ricky Gervais, who probably agrees with you on 95% of actual issues as he is rather a hard lefty, becomes the enemy. Simply for calling you out on your bull caca.
Also, think about this. A British comedian is condemning the actions of Antifa in America. I understand the milkshaking craze is also ongoing in the land of tea and pudding (what they call "dessert"). But how sorry are our media and lefty-politicians in America that it takes a BRIT to stand up for freedom?
Britain, Gervais is one of your national treasures. Good on you for that one.
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