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HollywoodFebruary 13, 2020
Samantha Bee Labels PragerU 'Dangerous' and the Blowback is Hysterical
The best way to get people to watch your content is for someone else to label it dangerous. This method is ripped right from the pages of famous banned books, which have quite a healthy readership. Samantha Bee and her TBS show Full Frontal, either didn't read the torn book page, haven't been around the internet long enough, or believe the internet's full of cave-dwelling dummies without the ability to peck "PragerU" into a search engine. Here's what happened: Hollywood and its D-list are all kinds of peeved they no longer have a 100% monopoly on the narrative. Now they're down to like... 85% monopoly. This led Sam Bee to label PragerU dangerous. Here, watch this free PragerU ad running on TBS:
Now, let's be clear here, criticizing Samantha Bee isn't criticizing her right to say everything she just said. All criticism is fair thanks to the First Amendment. If Samantha Bee wants to go after Will Witt of PragerU, I'm not going to stop her. I'm of the firm belief that conservatives and liberals should be mocked. We all do silly things and we should all be made fun of for those silly things. Especially you people owning the libs from your parked cars. Okay? Okay.
But for Full Frontal to label anything "propaganda" or "dangerous" that's when I cock an eyebrow. We're talking about short animated videos narrated by various people, mostly non-liberal, but some liberals, about ideas on motivational posters scattered across cube farms. None of these videos are being piped into homes across American, ala North Korea, with people tied to armchairs, their eyelids taped open.
Yet according to this tweet thread adapted from the segment, DANGEROUS PragerU is spreading PROPAGANDA!
Calling it "actually dangerous" was probably the key mistake here. Because as is the way, people on Twitter had some thoughts they were more than happy to share. Let's roll through them together.
First up, one of my internet wives, Jessica Fletcher.
Exactly, sweetheart. For Full Frontal to accuse anyone of anything questionable is rich enough to give me all the gout.
Next in line, Dave Rubin, liberal. Who's recorded a video for PragerU about tolerance.
That's what I call gentle savagery. Well played, Dave.
Next, PragerU responded with a gif from a popular sitcom which might be running re-runs on TBS, the same network as Full Frontal. Re-runs are for shows which hit certain episode milestones (like 100) and then go into syndication. Just in case Sam Bee didn't know the rules.
Could PragerU BE anymore amused?
Then, this guy. I don't know him very well.
Mr. Crowder, lemme help you out. The forum of ideas is where people with ideas go. How could you expect Samantha Bee to enter such a place? You must be new here.
Finally, me and Julio down by the schoolyard with a call back sting to that time Sam Bee did a whoopsy.
Ouchtown, sister. Not to be confused with this other whoopsy: Samantha Bee Getting 'Social Change' Award After Vile Ivanka Attack.
This is exactly how free speech is supposed to work. PragerU makes videos. Sam Bee hates the videos, and makes her own video about how much she hates PragerU's videos and labels them "dangerous." Then we all tell Sam Bee what a stupid she is. PragerU likely will get a fresh infusion of donations, and Sam Bee can go shopping for another blazer. Freedom of speech. It still works.