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EducationJanuary 10, 2023
Watch: Woke school board cuts mother off, so her son saves the day and hammers them with reality
I've been out of school for thirty years this June. A lot has changed since then. Most notably, our parents didn't have to show up at school board meetings and ask the school board to please not provide porn and other sexual materials to students. We discovered sex and porn the old-fashioned way: with a stack of nudie mags in the woods or by pushing the "3" and "7" buttons together at the same time on the cable box. Now, the woke Marxist tw*ats who run our public schools feel graphic sex is the only way to teach "tolerance" and "inclusion."
There is some context missing from this video, such as the comments the mother was allowed to make and her specific issue. I believe we've seen enough of these videos to fill in the blanks. The focus is on her son saving the day and the point he made.
Student Sticks Up For A Mom And HAMMERS School Board With FACTSyoutu.be
If you Google [these topics] on our Chromebooks [provided by the school], type on our Chromebook, search on our Chromebooks, it's immediately flagged. You block us from consuming this content on our Chromebooks because it's not something children should be consuming in a school environment. Or frankly, at all. But then you leave it available to us in our libraries for students to freely read. That's a double standard that I don't think should be in schools. None of this should be in our schools. There's no educational value to any of this in our libraries. I think you guys understand that.
The dude's right. If a student were to Google "tasting yourself" or "proper techniques in giving a hand job" or "whether to use spit or lube while performing anal sex," that student would be blocked from viewing it on school computers. Yet if a progressive author writes a book on it -- especially if that progressive author checks off one or more of the left's preferred marginalized groups -- not only is it appropriate for students, but it should be recommended reading. The feeling among these grown-ass adults who determine what your child is taught is that a student can't be expected to learn how to be tolerant of other genders without reading a graphic novel that discusses "vagina slime."
And if a parent has a problem with it, the parent is the problem. Not the Democrat Party's frantic obsession with looking to sexualize students at every opportunity while they are a captive audience in school.
Shout out to this young king coming to his mother's defense. We mama's boys have to stick together.
Brodigan is Grand Poobah of this here website and when he isn't writing words about things enjoys day drinking, pro-wrestling, and country music. You can find him on the Twitter too.
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