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EducationJanuary 08, 2022
Writer for The Atlantic Laments Democrat's School Shutdown Policies, But She’s Also an Idiot
The left is complaining about a lot these first few days of 2022. January 6 was a boon for them as they held each other close and shed tears while remembering the capitol riots—the entire display was nauseating. They're mad at Manchin and Sinema for holding up legislation, and of course, DeSantis is the proverbial thorn in their side. But one writer for The Atlantic is taking a moment to air her grievances aimed at actual Democrat policies.
Angie Schmitt looks back on the pandemic—which, for the Dems, is still going strong—and sighs deeply, her faith in her beloved party shaken to the core.
“Until recently, I was a loyal, left-leaning Democrat, and I had been my entire adult life. But because of what my family has gone through during the pandemic, I can’t muster the same enthusiasm.”
So, what happened to Ms. Schmitt? The moronic, illogical, anti-scientific policies regarding public schools are what happened. Schmitt goes down a laundry list of issues she has with how Democrats have handled schools during the pandemic. Closures, masks, remote learning: all of it was and is unnecessary and hurts children. She points this out, even citing a handful of studies and interviews with experts.
When everything failed her family, she moved her kids into a charter school that wasn’t closed—a move, by the way, that Democrats want to make impossible. You would think this woman would really start to examine her political affiliations after her party fought too screw her over this way… NOPE!
“None of this has shaken my support for the Democratic agenda, which I still endorse wholesale.”
She doesn’t look at all the stupid things Dems did and still are doing to school children and decide that she is going to vote for other people. She’s not looking down at Governor DeSantis, who has fought to keep schools open, remove the masks from children’s faces, and bar restrictions on liberty, and think, “Yeah, I like how he handled things.”
No, see, taking stock of things in this way would require two things: integrity and a brain. It would seem these things aren’t required of a writer at The Atlantic. And this is why she will continue to vote for idiots. She’ll continue to get screwed over by those idiots. And she’ll continue to make excuses for them and vote for them because, well, Republicans are Nazis and all the rest.
This is the American left: irrational, ignorant, incorrigible; and they think the people in the MAGA hats are deplorable rubes. Talk about a lack of self-awareness.
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