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the scienceNovember 16, 2023
Scientists Want Meat Labeled With ‘Cigarette-Style’ Warnings About Climate Change
Liberals are very miserable people. This is backed by data. Some researchers say that a lot of people on the left suffer from something called “maladaptive sadness'', which is an ineffective way of coping with stress. This is why they tend to have a catastrophizing mentality for almost everything.
If it were up to the progressives, we would all be living very, very miserable lives. Instead of homes, we would be living in pods. We would own nothing. All holidays would be canceled. And the list goes on.
Now, the left has increased its war on meat to great levels as it attempts to further stigmatize meat-based diets as socially unacceptable.
Over the last several years, climate activists have increasingly been claiming that meat poses an existential threat to the environment and that cows were especially accelerating climate change.
Scientists are now proposing mandatory labels on packaging that caution, “Warning: Eating meat contributes to climate change.”
The “scientists”, who want to gaslight you into believing that meat consumption is detrimental to the environment and your health, decided to push for these government-mandated labels after conducting a study, according to the Federalist.
In other words, a war on meat is necessary to save the planet.
A lot of people won’t give up something just because it is bad for their health, although meat is actually very good for you. But because of that, the left has to try and gaslight the masses into doing it not just for your health, but for the health of generations to come.
In other words, you have no choice but to give up meat, since the lives of your children and grandchildren depend upon it.
Of course, most people reading this know that pretty much any “climate prediction” the left has made has not even been close to coming true.
Researchers at Durham University took 1,000 adults and split them into several groups.
All warning labels, which also showed an image, reportedly reduced meat selections by up to 10 percent. However, people were most in favor of the climate warning labels which they also found the most credible, according to the university.
“This prompted the scientists to advocate for government-mandated climate change warning labels on meat. Reaching net zero is a priority for the nation and the planet,” said lead author Jack Hughes.
There is an overwhelming amount of evidence that it’s impossible to replicate the nutritional characteristics of meat and that meatless diets are far more likely to lead to nutrient deficiencies.
But despite all that, researchers are still trying to justify their anti-meat stance by gaslighting the masses.
Basically, the research showed that adding cigarette-style warnings to meat-based meals, had a significant impact on people’s decisions to choose them.
“As warning labels have already been shown to reduce smoking as well as the drinking of sugary drinks and alcohol, using a warning label on meat-containing products could help us achieve this if introduced as national policy,” said Jack Hughes, the study's lead author.
At best, climate predictions are just bad science and wrong. But on top of that, climate interventions always end up being worse for the environment.
The University of Oxford conducted a study measuring the environmental impact of traditional cattle versus fake meat and found that real meat was better for the planet.
This is because when you make "meat" in a lab, that tends to use a bit more energy.
But despite the lack of evidence, scientists are jumping on the anti-meat bandwagon at a record pace.
Climate activists believe in the ultimate form of racism because they hate the human race. Everything they advocate not only makes our lives miserable and unhealthy but even goes as far as population control.
Every single solution to climate change involves forced lifestyle changes. Coincidentally, if we acquiesce to the climate alarmist demands, it turns into one big leftist utopia.
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