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CultureFebruary 12, 2019
Screw Off, LGBTQ Bullies: We Won't Apologize for Being Christians!
Riddle me this, Batman with nipples: If LGBTQ people get an entire month in which they celebrate themselves simply because of the sexual friction they prefer, even demanding you celebrate them, why am I told to shut my yap about Jesus? Sure, that's a bit of a non sequitur, but I'd still like an answer. Specifically from the LGBTQ side which tells anyone who disagrees with them to shove their Jesus fishes up their rectal cavities.
I'll sidestep the obvious gay joke there.
Before I get too far into the reeds, allow me a point of clarification. When I refer to "LGBTQ" in this column, I'm referring to the Gaystapo, a group of militant LGBTQ activists who wield their social justice swords without mercy, maiming anyone who dares disapprove of their lifestyle. The hypocrisy is glaring. I'm not addressing the -- what I think to be -- majority of gay and lesbian people who just want to live their lives like the rest of us: privately, peacefully, with little incident. Just the GameStop tranny types. The militant butchcutted lesbians demanding I stamp their scissor lovemaking with approval. While they chalk up my attraction to burly men as some form of internalized misogyny. Hardly seems sporting.
That was just special for me, required after having to think about lesbian lovemaking. Hashtag self-care.
Last week, Ellen Page, a lesbian activist sometimes actress, tried church shaming Chris Pratt simply because some of Pratt's church leaders have said homosexuality is a sin. Pratt has clarified where he stands on the whole non-controversy, but he should've never had to clarify or defend himself. Pratt's original point was to share an inspiring message about the light of someone's soul shining for others. He said nothing at all about gays, lesbians, or transwomen weightlifters. Brave and stunning as they are.
But Page couldn't take the positivity for what it was. She couldn't accept a happy message while disagreeing with Christianity's position on homosexuality. No, she had to throw away all that is good about Chris Pratt to focus on what she thinks makes him terrible: Christianity's teachings on homosexuality. Specifically, that homosexuality is a sin.
The crux of the gay pride movement, as I understand it, is to be proud of who you are without apology. Why, then, do gay activists demand Christians apologize for who they are? Why must Christians be cornered, made to feel othered for such radical "extreme" beliefs that babies have rights to life, those babies are best raised by their mothers and fathers who are joined in holy matrimony, and above all, God, not the government, should be obeyed?
It's a rhetorical question, one I've postulated many times in previous news posts. I think many in the LGBTQ community grossly overestimate just how much Christians care about their day-to-day routines. Frankly, if what you're doing is between consensual adults, whatever it is that you do is between you, the person you're doing it to, and God Himself. All Christians ask is that you refrain from requesting our blessing for that activity.
Which I think is fair, as we in the Christian community do not demand you endorse our way of life, only that you leave us to it. This town is plenty big enough for us all, with plenty of bakeries, florists, and community centers for nuptials to go around. If you in the LGBTQ community want to be respected for who you are, then may I suggest you follow the Golden Rule: treat others as you'd like to be treated. Which doesn't include demanding everyone cater your every whim with the threat of life-altering legal action should they decline. Related: Gaystapo Strikes Again: Christian Bakery Fined For Reasons You Won't Believe.
I believe in one God, the Father the Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible. He created you in His likeness just as He created me. I won't apologize for believing in God. I won't apologize for believing in and, to the best of my abilities, following His teachings. I'm not asking that you agree with all that I believe, as I don't believe in all that you believe.
If what you really want is tolerance, unity, and acceptance, you should exercise a little of it yourselves. Take the good in someone, what you can agree with, and simply agree to disagree with what you can't. Why is compromise a principle you're so unwilling to accept?
It's a rhetorical question. But one you should ask yourselves daily.
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