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PoliticsMay 15, 2020
New WA Antibody Tests Indicate COVID-19 in USA Earlier than Once Thought
Closing the barn door after the horses fled the stable. That's the best idiom to describe the COVID-19 shutdown, other than a catastrophic mess of public policy which ruined millions of lives all under the guise of "flattening the curve." Which was just a test for the mouse to see how many cookies, milk, baths, and personal liberty it could take from you. Turns out, the mouse got rather a lot, and it didn't even have to try very hard. But enough about the mixed metaphors. The more we learn about this little virus, the more we can point to how stupid the shutdown really was. Take, for example, this story out of Seattle. A 64-year-old retired nurse tested positive for COVID-19 antibodies, and she was sick allllllll the way back in December.
Jean, the nurse, experienced a nasty cough, body aches, fever, the run of the mill flu symptoms. She, like many other residents of Washington (such as myself, I'm providing anecdotal evidence) just assumed the flu-like symptoms were just the flu. I'm raising my hand here.
But after Jean received word from her doctor earlier this month that a highly touted serology test found a sample of her blood positive for antibodies to COVID-19, she's now convinced the official timeline is wrong — and public health officials say she may be right.
Jean is among two Snohomish County residents who have positive serology tests potentially linked to COVID-like illnesses dating back to December, throwing into question whether the coronavirus arrived in Washington, and the United States, earlier than previously known.
Based on what I've learned about virology over the past few months, it takes a bit of time for one to show symptoms. Jean reported being sick after Christmas, so she likely was infected about a week before? Which means she got it from someone who already had it and maybe was asymptomatic, so you follow the timeline.
Over the past few months I've dropped in little anecdotes about how I was sick with one of the worst coughs of my life, then AGAIN in January with another bad round of coughing. If I am ever able to take an antibody test, here are my veins. I was first sick in the beginning of December.
All this matters because America and much of the world (aside from Sweden) locked itself down to combat this virus. But it's looking more and more like much of the damage had already been done. And that damage maybe wasn't such a big deal after all in comparison to other seasonal flus. Yes, sorry, but influenza is deadly to people as well, so spare me your "you hate old people" bullshit. It's tired.
The goal posts have been moved. WE were told the shutdown was to "flatten the curve" but now we're being told the goal is "no more cases/deaths." Time to admit the goal was never about the virus at all, but to see how pliable the people were, to gauge just how much freedom they'd be willing to cede if the government asked nicely. Think about that as you put your cute little mask on your face as you go jogging outside. Also, don't do that, it's stupid.
Open the world. It should've never shutdown.
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