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PoliticsFebruary 25, 2022
Not a Joke: SecDef Looking for Ways to Train Ukrainian Forces Remotely
As Russian forces continue their invasion of Ukraine, Joe Biden announces sanctions. He doesn’t expect they will prevent anything, but he also thinks they will do something… Maybe in a month or so. And now that his people have ushered him away from a podium so he can’t say more stupid things, It’s the Secretary of Defense’s turn!
In a report from the Washington Examiner, yesterday, SecDef Lloyd Austin told lawmakers that “the Biden administration is looking for ways to help train Ukrainian forces remotely.” This isn’t a joke. This was something said by a member of the Biden Administration. As Russian forces roll over Ukraine, Biden and Austin want to train the Ukrainian forces remotely.
Can anyone imagine attempting to train military forces via Zoom call? I can’t. In fact, I know that it would be nearly impossible to teach most soldiering skills over Skype. It just doesn’t work that way. Is Austin going to overnight some Oculus goggles to the Ukrainian army so they can take turns playing Call of Duty or something? This all sounds ridiculous!
Remote learning hasn’t done so well when lives didn’t depend on it. Our children can attest to that. But our moronic military leaders—who you know had input in this cockamamy, half-baked bullsh*t—think some video calls are going to get Ukrainian forces in fighting shape? Give me a break.
The west doesn’t want to get involved too deeply in Ukraine. We all know this. Some of the reasons are understandable, some of them a kind of stupid, but there is an argument to be made there. But this ludicrous suggestion of providing aid through remote training to Ukrainian forces? I think they have a little too much on their plates at the moment to sit down in a conference room for a call with a handful of American soldiers and have a chit-chat.
Frankly, if I were a leader in Ukraine, I know exactly what I’d tell Lloyd Austin and Joe Biden.
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