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ArticlesFebruary 05, 2019
Senator Patty Murray D-WA Blocks Senate Bill Banning Infanticide
Senator Patty Murray of my state of Washington is a cow. Wait, no. Cows are actually docile creatures who, for the most part, don't kill their young. Plus cows actually serve a purpose, and I'm not sure I can say the same for Patty Murray. So let's rewrite the cow insult. Let's say Patty Murray is a flesh-eating bacteria which slowly devours the body, eroding the host's will to live. There. That's better. She was the lone senator who blocked Ben Sasse's Born Alive Infant Protection Act, a bill which would've required doctors treat babies born alive after they flubbed killing them in the womb.
From LifeSiteNews:
This was a unanimous consent vote, a mechanism under which the bill passes the U.S. Senate if no senator objects and individual senators’ positions are not recorded.Murray objected to the motion, claiming there are already laws against infanticide.
Well sure, you wouldn't want more laws against infanticide. God forbid we have a little legal redundancy to protect infants from the butchering, snipping hands of the "doctors" who tried snuffing them in the uterus, birth canal, or on the cleaning table.
Remember, Democrats love pushing extra laws when it suits them. Like, say even more gun control laws when we already have plenty of gun control laws. It's never safe enough, our moral betters tell us. If we can save just one life, we should pass even more laws! Sure, we already have background checks, but we need MOAR background checks! Like this law Patty Murray co-sponsored with Dianne Feinstein.
But another layer of protection for infants? Meh.
Here's what Ms. Murray had to say for her evil self:
“This is a gross misinterpretation of the actual language of the bill that is being asked to be considered and, therefore, I object,” said Murray.
You know what else is gross, Patty Murray? A party which refuses to condemn murder. Of babies. I'd say murdering babies is also gross, but the word hasn't enough potency. Gross is what Patty Murray is. Gross is what the Democrats are. Present tense. Gross is what Patty Murray's supporters have now become if they continue supporting a woman who refuses to condemn murder. Especially when she insists on that haircut more befitting of a kindergartener who eats her own boogers.
Cocaine Mitch McConnell had this to say:
Majority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-KY, called the Act “legislation that ought to be the very definition of something that receives unanimous consent in this body.”“It’s harrowing that this legislation is even necessary,” said McConnell. “It was even more disturbing when last week, a Democrat Governor was unable to simply state that of course – of course – these newborn babies have human rights that must be respected.”
Welcome to 2019. Where our political leaders won't even protect children.