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PoliticsDecember 14, 2021
Military Bounces Service Members for Refusing Vax But Won’t Punish Anyone for Killing Ten Innocent Afghans
CNN reported on Monday that 27 service members from the Air Force have been involuntarily separated for refusing to receive their Fauci Ouchies. The airmen were separated under the Uniform Code of Military Justice for failing to obey a lawful order. However, the lawfulness of the order should definitely be up in the air, as federal courts have stopped the mandates elsewhere and lawsuits against forced COVID vaccinations in the military are still pending.
Even more telling is the uneven handling of exemptions for service members. As Air Force spokeswoman Ann Stefanek stated, “All the members were in their first enlistments and had served less than six years, so their requests for vaccine exemptions did not go to a board.” Presumably, that means exemptions were taken under review and even issued for those with more seniority. But what does having more rank or time in service have to do with what the government tells us is a necessary step to conquering COVID? I’m sure they’ll never explain.
But as they give these service members the boot for refusing the controversial COVID vaccines, the military refuses to punish actual criminal activity with its ranks. What might remember during the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan when our military decided to drone 10 innocent people—including children—into oblivion. Maybe… If you forgot, I wouldn’t be surprised, since the media dropped that inconvenient fact faster than they did the Waukesha killer.
Well, the military investigated itself, found they really didn’t do anything wrong when they literally murdered innocent people, and now, they have finally decided that no one will ever be punished for what happened. From the Pentagon spokesman John Kirby, via Military Times,
“What we saw here was a breakdown in process, execution and procedural events […] It was not the result of negligence, misconduct or poor leadership […] We know there will be some who don’t like this particular decision. But it wasn’t an outcome that we came to without careful thought and consideration. That’s why the secretary [of defense] wanted an independent review of the airstrike in the first place.”
Except it most certainly was negligence, at a minimum. Failure to properly identify the target and instead choosing to rush into a drone strike because Biden needed some kind of win in the aftermath of 13 service members dying was absolutely negligence! And it isn’t as if the investigation could have been said to be independent—the very people who should have been held accountable were the people running the investigation! This is bullsh*t!
But these two disparate instances of military injustice perfectly sum up the entire Biden administration. Punish those who dissent and protect those who do the bidding of the party, regardless of the depravity of their conduct. How does a country’s military get to a point in which they are willing to perform unspeakable acts on behalf of a tyrannical leader? You’re seeing it right now.
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