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ShowDecember 06, 2021
SHOW NOTES: CIA Protected PEDOPHILES?! Why Am I Not Surprised …
The CIA has been covering for pedos in its ranks. We want to be surprised. Instead, we’re just infuriated. We also take a look at the new Omicron variant and what most of the cases have in common. And what’s the deal with HBO’s “Santa Inc."?
LIVE: CIA Protected PEDOPHILES?! Why Am I Not Surprised | Louder with Crowderyoutu.be
- Germany has imposed major restrictions on their unvaccinated population. SOURCE: NYTimes
- Some other new German guidelines include: “Unvaccinated people will be limited to meetings with their own household and two other people.” SOURCE: BBC
- The Nazis DID label Jews as diseased with typhus, lice, etc. as an excuse to persecute them and create ghettos. SOURCES: USHolocaustMuseum
- MSM has been fear-mongering over the latest COVID variant, Omicron, and pushing the vaccine. SOURCES: Twitter
- Based on this reaction you might think Omicron is incredibly dangerous, but it is only causing mild illness and has resulted in zero deaths so far. SOURCES: CNN, GUARDIAN
- USA: Not all cases have vaccine data yet. But for those that do, the first and second US cases were fully vaxxed. SOURCE: CNBC
- Other states where the first documented case was fully vaxxed:
- Colorado
- Massachusetts
- New Jersey
- Utah
- Nebraska
- Connecticut
- Wisconsin
- Georgia
- Minnesota
- 2 out of 3 Maryland cases: fully vaxxed
- Washington, Missouri, & Louisiana’s health departments declined to comment on vaccination status citing ‘privacy’. But HIPPA allows this type of disclosure, especially when the people would be kept anonymous. SOURCE: CDC
- Japan: Two of the three confirmed cases were reportedly fully vaxxed. No vaccine data is available for the second confirmed case. SOURCES: KYODO, NikeiAsia
- UK: More than half of the confirmed Omicron cases were double vaxxed. SOURCE: NYPost
- Israel: Of 11 cases, 7 were fully vaccinated. Six of the patients had even received their booster shot. This comes as Israeli health officials are considering a fourth shot. SOURCES: TimesOfIsrael, TimesOfIsrael
- Last week, Buzzfeed revealed that over the past 14 years at least 10 CIA contractors and employees committed sex crimes involving children. SOURCE: Buzzfeed
- The allegations in the report are disgusting.
- One person had sexual contact with a 2-year-old and a 6-year-old.
- One purchased three sexual abuse videos of young girls filmed by their mothers.
- Another said he viewed more than 1,400 kiddie porn images while on assignment.
- Out of the 10 instances described in the report, only ONE PERSON was ever charged.
- The rest of the cases were sent back for the CIA to “handle internally”. Whatever that means.
- A 2009 ICE report revealed several Pentagon Staff were subscribed to child pornography sites. SOURCE: DeptOfDefense
- A 2012 report confirmed two National Reconnaissance Officers admitted to child molestation and viewing child pornography. SOURCE: Inspector General Of The Intelligence Community
- Jeffrey Epstein had CIA/intelligence ties. SOURCE: DailyBeast, DailyBeast
- Do our jingle bells rock or what?
- Fredo Gets Whacked: CNN FIRES Chris Cuomo After His Own Sexual Misconduct Allegation is Discovered
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