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FeaturedApril 12, 2021
SHOW NOTES: Daunte Wright Shooting Sparks Riots!
They are rioting in Minneapolis again over a police-involved incident. We give you the FACTS as we know them, since you can't trust the media. Joe Biden has also been busy lying about guns and looking to pack the Supreme Court. We take a sledgehammer to both of those as well. And why did YouTube delete a Ron DeSantis video?
MINNEAPOLIS BURNS: Daunte Wright Shooting Sparks Riots! | Louder with Crowderyoutu.be
- CLAIM: Mandating serial numbers and running background checks on ghost gun buyers will reduce gun violence! SOURCE: YouTube
- It is very easy to make a gun.
- Serial numbers are irrelevant because we don't have a gun registry. They only trace back to the first point of sale. You cannot trace every owner.
- CLAIM: Ghost guns are a surging problem!
- "Ghost guns" are RARELY used by criminals. SOURCE: BJS
- Of 287,400 prisoners surveyed by the Bureau of Justice:
- Only 7 percent purchased guns from federal firearms licensed dealers.
- 56 percent had either stolen it, found it at the scene of the crime, or obtained it off the street or black market.
- 25 percent were gifted the guns.
- During a May "60 Minutes" interview, ATF assistant director Thomas Chittum admitted ghost guns are still a minority of those used to commit crimes. SOURCE: 60 Minutes
- CLAIM: Subjecting modified pistols to fees and a national registry will reduce gun violence! SOURCE: YouTube
- Pistols are already more regulated than rifles. Long guns (rifles) are often not even subject to the same concealed carry laws.
- Many states allow long gun carry with less restrictions overall.
- 44 states allow open carry of long guns, compared to just 33 allowing open carry of handguns. SOURCE: WPR
- The $200 fee and mandatory reporting to the DOJ effectively creates a backdoor registry.
- This is another example of ASSAULT WEAPONS ban bullshit. What? A pistol of the same caliber as a rifle but with a brace instead of a permanent stock is somehow deadlier.
- CLAIM: Red flag laws will reduce suicides, domestic violence incidents, and mass shootings. SOURCE: YouTube
- "A danger to yourself or others" is pretty subjective.
- Convicted felons or domestic violence offenders already cannot possess firearms. SOURCE: Cornell
- No due process. You don't even need to be charged with a crime! SOURCE: Pew
- It will discourage people from seeking help for mental health.
- It puts dogs' lives at risk. They always shoot the dogs when gun grabbing in the night.
- NEW JERSEY: Under a red flag law, a man's guns were confiscated after his doctor reported him for leaving bad reviews and an agitated phone call, due to severe post-surgery pain. SOURCE: APP
- RHODE ISLAND: A woman called the cops on her husband, Edward Caniglia, after an argument and requested they conduct a "wellness check."
- CLAIM: Nominating David Chipman to serve as the director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms will reduce gun violence!
- David Chipman spent 25 years as a special agent in the ATF and currently works as a senior policy advisor at Giffords, a research organization that promotes gun control. SOURCE: LinkedIn
- He was a case agent for the ATF in the Waco Branch Davidian trial. SOURCE: Congress.gov
- He was also working for the ATF during Obama's Fast and Furious scandal, where guns were purposely trafficked across the southern border.
- And two of those guns were found where Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was killed by smugglers. SOURCE: NYT
- CLAIM: "NOBODY NEEDS A WEAPON WITH 100 BULLETS" We need to limit magazine rounds! SOURCE: YouTube
- It's estimated to take about 12 shots to incapacitate an intruder. SOURCE: OrangeCountyRegister
- The assault weapons ban banned capacities over 10. SOURCE: NPR
- But the use of high-capacity guns has stayed steady or increased since the assault weapons ban. SOURCE: UPenn
- CLAIM: Biden STILL thinks the gun show loophole is a thing! SOURCE: YouTube
- CLAIM: "We need to remove immunity for gun manufacturers." "The firearm companies are the only industry that can't be sued if something happens!" SOURCE: YouTube
- Biden was less than transparent about court-packing during his campaign. SOURCE: Daily Caller
- On Friday, Biden established a commission to study "reforming" the Supreme Court. SOURCE: White House
- The commission will produce "an analysis of the principal arguments in the contemporary public debate for and against Supreme Court reform, including an appraisal of the merits and legality of particular reform proposals."
- Most Americans oppose court-packing. An October 2020 Rasmussen poll found 53% of Americans oppose court-packing. SOURCE: Rasmussen
- Even RBG was against court-packing because it would politicize the court: "Well, if anything, it would make the court appear partisan. It would be that one side saying, 'when we're in power, it was only to enlarge the number of judges so we will have more people who will vote the way we want them to, so I am not at all in favor of that solution to what I see as a temporary situation." SOURCE: Post-gazette
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