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ShowSeptember 16, 2021
SHOW NOTES: WHAT DOES THE FBI EVEN DO?? McKayla Maroney Testifies on Larry Nassar
What does the FBI even do?? Yesterday, McKayla Maroney SCORCHED the FBI in her compelling testimony on Larry Nassar. Plus, is Nicki Minaj based?? Crowder investigates!
Why The FBI Is NOT Your Friend! McKayla Maroney Testifies on Larry Nassar | Louder with Crowderyoutu.be
- Yesterday, comedian Jim Breuer went on Tucker to explain why he won't perform at venues requiring vaccines. SOURCE: LouderWithCrowder.com
- The reaction to Breuer from fellow comedians has been less than amicable. SOURCES: Twitter, Twitter, Twitter, Twitter
- Yesterday, Nicki Minaj went on a Twitter rampage, but most noticeably she tweeted out a clip of Tucker Carlson defending her. Leftist streamers came after her for supporting a "white nationalist," and she replied by explaining how Democrats take blacks for granted. SOURCE: LouderWithCrowder.com
- Nicki also claimed she was suspended from Twitter, but Twitter has said that isn't true. SOURCE: TheDailyBeast
- Yesterday, members of USA gymnastics testified in the Senate about Larry Nassar's abuse. SOURCE: LouderWithCrowder.com
- The FBI missing crucial tips isn't a one-off.
- The Parkland shooter was reported to the FBI 5 months before the shooting, and the FBI failed to refer the tip to the Miami Bureau. SOURCE: FBI
- The FedEx shooter from this past April was interviewed by the FBI in 2020. SOURCE: WGN-TV
- The FBI interviewed the Boston bomber in 2011, two years before the bombing. SOURCE: BostonGlobe
- They investigated the Orlando Pulse nightclub shooter for 10 months before they determined he was not a threat. SOURCE: LATimes
- Two of the 9/11 hijackers shared a hotel room with an FBI informant prior to the attack. SOURCE: Newsweek
- Back in July while we were on break, BuzzFeed reported the plot to kidnap Governor Whitmer included nearly as many FBI informants as militia members. SOURCE: Buzzfeed
- 12 informants vs. 14 militia members charged.
- Subsequent case filings have unveiled some concerning evidence.
- An August 12 filing showed that after Fox, the defendant, questioned the value of committing violence against Governor Whitmer, FBI Informant "Big Dan" told him to shoot a round through her cottage window: SOURCE: Scripps
- "F-ing place up north. Send a f-ing round through the window, you know."
- "Big Dan" also encouraged Fox to coordinate with militia members in other states.
- "Engage in a synchronized attack on governors in multiple states by all shooting rounds into the homes of their respective Governors at the same time"
- Big Dan also suggested the militia could detonate a binary explosive placed against Governor Whitmer's cottage or on her driveway, or they could target her boat.
- And finally, an August 27 filing on behalf of all 6 defendants revealed Big Dan and FBI Agent Chambers, an agent involved in the Whitmer case, had used similar tactics on a militia member in Virginia.
- In this case, Big Dan told Special Agent Chambers via text he intended to reach out to his target. SOURCE: Buzzfeed/DocumentCloud
- Chambers replied, "Mission is to kill the governor specifically"
- To which Big Dan replied, "That's on the 1st call. IE use of drones or other means."
- But we have to give it to the prosecution here. They argued the defense changed the meaning of these texts, writing: "They [the defense] did not let the exchange speak for itself: They inserted a period after 'specifically,' entirely changing the meaning. The omitted context shows it was in fact a question, not an edict, because it was immediately followed by an answer."
- They also claimed the FBI couldn't possibly have entrapped the militia members, because: "The final plot (and the crime they are charged with) was a conspiracy to kidnap the Governor."
- Remember the "Liberty City Seven" hoax, an Al Qaeda plot the FBI claimed to have foiled in the years after 9/11? SOURCE: Frontline
- In this case FBI informants manipulated 7 black men into pledging allegiance to Al Qaeda and coached them into committing crimes they never intended to commit.
- It was allegedly the "largest Al Qaeda plot" busted by the FBI.
- The FBI is also focusing on the Capitol rioters, many of whom are charged with trespassing. They have an entire page dedicated to photos of wanted Capitol rioters and another dedicated to their charges, as well as YouTube videos of them. SOURCES: Justice.Gov, FBI, YouTube
- We can all rest easier at night knowing they sent 15 agents to investigate the "noose" in Bubba Wallace's garage. SOURCE: Justice.gov
- To my knowledge, the leader of Chaz, Raz Simone, hasn't been investigated, even after he gave guns to minors on video.
- CHAZ saw a 525% increase in crime. SOURCE: NYPost
- $2 billion in property damage just from May 26 to June 8.
- At least 1,000 officer casualties.
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