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UncategorizedOctober 12, 2016
Columbus Day Protesters Block Traffic, Threaten Driver. Get RUN OVER!
Columbus Day is another American thing leftists hate (see A Columbus/Indigenous People Day Education! and Hero or Villian? 5 Things You Should Know About Christopher Columbus). Because a white European sailed across an ocean, and "discovered" a "New World." Then all the "indigenous people" hell broke loose. You've heard the stories. So a leftist protest of "KKKolumbus Day" by blocking traffic isn't shocking.
What is shocking? The driver they were blocking giving no f***s...
Reaction to the video isn't what SJWs were expecting. Instead of sympathy, they're being hit with reality. Usually the comment section is reserved for people who resemble Lord of the Rings Orcs. But not so much this time:
I stopped feeling bad as soon as I heard "I'll rip you out of that truck, you little f***." At that point, threats are made against the driver and he did what he had to do to get out of a potentially harmful situation. Don't protest in the middle of the street, and then threaten people in vehicles wanting to get through. No sympathy for any of these dumb people in the road.
Amen to that.
No, mowing down people in your truck isn't cool. We're not condoning violence against protesters, however annoying they are. Okay? Okay.
But if you watch the video (you know you want to hit replay, give in to temptation), you'll notice the driver was being threatened. With violence. And if you've been up on the recent news (of course you have, you're here!) you know how quickly these situations turn violent. Against the white person in the white truck.
So the driver here, after being threatened with violence, for driving down the street, where protesters were blocking and being general crap-weasels, honks and yells at these wizards of stupid to get out of the way. They didn't. The tension was rising. He put pedal to the metal and GTFO of that situation. In car vs. idiots, car wins. It usually will.
THEN, and this is my favorite part, the protesters who hate Columbus and presumably all white people and authority, called the police!
You can't write this. Protesters get in a bind, they call 5-0. Happy Wednesday.
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