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ArticlesDecember 05, 2019
Slope Slipped: Polyamorous Woman has Four Male Partners. And Now She's Pregnant!
Fret not, little incels, there's hope yet. If heading to forums every night to complain about Chads is getting tiresome, and developing skills, a weight-lifting regime or a personality are too daunting, consider sharing a lady with other former-incels. Behold, the hope of a slippery slope slathered with you know what. Meet Tory, a Florida woman (obviously) who's not content with one sad little man, she has four sad little men. It's a lot like Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. If Snow White was just the most promiscuous of them all.
Ah polyamory. Like Hollywood's version of lesbianism, it's just never what you're sold:
From the UK Mirror:
She met one of her partners Marc, 18, in high school and then got into a relationship with Travis, 23, two months later.Their love story began three years ago and she has since announced her engagement to Travis in July.
Look it, people are free to engage in whatever kind of behavior they want so long as it doesn't harm others. I never cared what consenting adults did to each other in the privacy of their own homes. That doesn't mean I haven't opinions. Or that I'm incapable of passing judgment.
This relationship isn't healthy and based on looks alone, all four of those guys are passive-aggressive, whiny losers and one day, I predict, this whole thing is going to blow up. Not in the traditional sense of choosing pistols or fisticuffs at dawn. These noodle boys haven't the cojones to man up like that. No, no, this sucker is going to fizzle slowly with much whinging over Pokemon sessions, with someone crying about it on Snapchat. That's when Tory will up and leave all four dudes because she'll have learned too late she's in a relationship with wimps.
Which is self-evident to the rest of us right now. Yet Tory keeps collecting more little man-babies for whatever the gender-swapped word is for "harem." Bro-em? Seamenem? Tweet me your suggestions.
Then she also found love in their long-term mutual friend Ethan, 22, and Christopher, 22, who is the baby's father.She said: “Chris is the biological father. We just know that because of timing and when the approximate conception date was.
Well isn't that just a blessing.
All four guys say they're pleased to raise the baby girl with all four guys sharing fathering duties. Isn't that just the sweetest thing you ever heard. Practically a Hallmark movie. Let's call it Four Weddings and a "Suicide."
Now Tory gets to not ask one dad to change a diaper, she gets to nag four to change a diaper.
Before some MRA or MGTOW guy chimes in here, stop. Are you telling me those guys are go-getting, ambitious types? Pardon me, but they look to be the exact kind of mealy-mouthed losers who could only ever have a relationship with a woman who emasculates and nags constantly. Go ahead and argue with me.
As for Tory, what a skank pot. One man wasn't enough, she had to pick up her man's friends, too? For Christmas, someone needs to gift Tory a welcome mat that reads "Home Sweet Hoe."
I pity the child who'll have to grow up in this. That's the real problem here. The baby girl wants one mom and one dad. Not one slut sack and four pussy boys.
For more weird: 'Gay' Man Knocks Up Transman 'Boyfriend' and Autosexuality for People Who Love Themselves!
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