![SNL Lampoons All the Loser Democrats Ahead of New Hampshire [VIDEO]](https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/media-library/image.jpg?id=23139435&width=980&quality=85)
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2020 ElectionFebruary 09, 2020
SNL Lampoons All the Loser Democrats Ahead of New Hampshire [VIDEO]
Democrats had the worst week of their lives last week, ending with the New Hampshire debate. So SNL had no choice but to mock them in the show's cold open. Even as left as the show leans, it would be a dereliction of duty not to spank the Democrats. Everyone had a good one-liner or two, but the highlight is easily Jason Sudeikis doing Joe Biden.
Losing Iowa was a real kick in the nuts. All right? But I am not worried at all, because, you know, by the time we get to South Cackalacky, Joe Biden's gonna do what Joe Biden does best: Creep up from behind. Just when you think your lead is safe, my numbers are going to sneak up and surprise you with a nice, sweet kiss on the neck.
Let's be honest: Not everyone's heart seems into it. Call it survivor's remorse for Kate McKinnon's "Hillary" being a key reason why people thought the candidate was phony and out of touch (see SNL Mocks Desperate Liberals Pleading Electors with ‘Love Actually’ Parody and SNL Delivers Most Hilarious/Brutal Portrayal of Hillary Yet!). No one wants to be the one whose impersonation kills the election for the Democrats, even though the Democrats are doing a decent job of that themselves.
That's kind of the overall point, though. Democrats are killing their own chances to beat Trump. Sure, Trump is a hard opponent to beat. But when Democrats have sleepy creepy Joe nuzzling women's necks, Warren making a mess of her candidacy with Bernie Sanders attacks, and Pete Buttgig reiterating he thinks it's fine to kill babies up until birth, the Democrats' problem isn't SNL or how committed actors are to their SNL characters.
The problem is just Democrats.