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EducationApril 23, 2023
Judge refuses anonymity to girls suing sorority over trans sister and her raging erections, so they are going public
A judge would not allow seven women anonymity to sue their sorority for "allegedly coercing its members into inducting a transgender person." It is also alleged this trans woman gets too many boners as -- she -- watches the other sisters change. Apparently, having a sorority sister with a raging erection makes others uncomfortable. One girl dropped out of the suit, but six others are bravely going public.
The sorority sister at the center of all this is Artemis Langford. She shattered a glass ceiling last October when Kappa Kappa Gamma became the first sorority in Wyoming history to allow a transgender student into their ranks. Artemis is the girl wearing glasses in this video's thumbnail.
Wyoming University accepts transgender male into a top sorority | National Reportyoutu.be
It is understandable why the girls would want anonymity. Trans activists have shown to be domestic terrorists towards anyone who stands up for women's rights. Teammates of mid male swimmer turned champion female swimmer Lia Thomas were told point blank that if they spoke out about unfairness, "your life will be over in some way, you’ll be blasted all over the internet as a ‘transphobe,’ […] you’ll never be able to get a job."
While one girl dropped out of the Wyoming lawsuit, Jaylyn Westenbroek, Hannah Holtmeier, Allison Coghan, Grace Choate, Madeline Ramar and Megan Kosar are all bravely moving forward.
They have a very specific complaint. While Artemis is attempting to live her best life as a woman, she remains sexually attracted to girls as she did when she was a he. The legal complaint refers to Artemis, the sorority sister, using he/him pronouns. We at the Louder with Crowder Dot Com website are quoting the complaint verbatim until the AP Styleguide chimes in.
“One sorority member walked down the hall to take a shower, wearing only a towel. She felt an unsettling presence, turned, and saw Mr. Smith watching her silently."
“Mr. Smith has, while watching members enter the sorority house, had an erection visible through his leggings."
And if the girls complain bout it?
Another witness said that Langford often “claims (when another) person disagrees with him (it is) because he is transgender," according to the lawsuit.
The witness "has observed Langford use his transgender identity to threaten others with discipline, especially those he believes do not support his Kappa membership,” the complaint alleges.
Welcome to 2023, where because trans outranks "girl born that way" on the Democrat Party's pound-for-pound most marginalized rankings, we expose girls to penises in the name of equity. Not unlike when a Dylan Mulvaney poseur tried pledging a sorority. Not only is it tolerance and inclusion to allow transwomen to rock out with their cocks out, but biological girls are also told there is something wrong with them for not wanting to see another girl's weiner.
As far back as 2017, CNN reported not wanting your daughter exposed to a dong made you a bigot. And not what used to be referred to as being a good parent.
In the name of the deity or deities of content, let's pray this court case goes all the way to the supreme court. I want "if the chick's got a dick you must acquit" to become a rallying cry for the Democrat Party.
Brodigan is Grand Poobah of this here website and when he isn't writing words about things enjoys day drinking, pro-wrestling, and country music. You can find him on the Twitter too.
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