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Climate ChangeApril 10, 2019
Sorry, But You Can’t Scare Me Into Believing Man-Made Climate Change Hysteria
Pardon me, but I actually think human beings are rather insignificant in comparison to the planet. We, humans, are also insignificant to the planet's timeline of the planet's entire existence. If Earth's history is a roll of toilet paper, we're but a fleck of snot debris which hasn't had enough time to soak into half a ply. You're welcome for that analogy.
Which isn't to say human beings, as part of Earth's ecosystem, do not somehow play a role in said ecosystem. But to suggest human beings are solely responsible for altering the entire climate of an entire planet, and the solution to human's alleged negative effect of that planet is beefing up the power of some of the planet's stupidest residents (the government), that's where you lose me.
You really expect me to follow the advice of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, John Kerry, and Bill Nye the Science Guy regards anything? Then tell me I'm "anti-science" for questioning their parade of insanity? Hard pass.
Because the solution to stopping this runaway crazy idea of "MAN-MADE CLIMATE CHANGE OH MY" always seems to be bigger government resulting in more government control of people's lives. Or else it's something stupid, like telling people to stop having children:
I don't have to be a scientist to see what's at play here. I don't have to be a scientist to see how climate change alarmists are using anything but science to push a narrative in order to enact an agenda. What I do see is an abundance of scare tactics, repetition of key rhetoric like "the science is settled" and "97% of a consensus of scientists" (which is utter crap, by the way. Science just is, it isn't up for a vote) and the demonizing of anyone who opposes the agenda with a doubling down of the doom and gloom messaging. Here, watch Head Democrat Moron Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez suggesting inaction on global warming climate change would leave "blood on our hands." Followed by the honorable John Kerry (who served in Vietnam) echoing her hyperbolic panic. Their solution, as is every Democrat solution, is more government control, higher taxes, and stripping people of their freedoms. "For the planet" so it's totally fine, just give them what they want. In AOC's case, her solution is the elimination of airplanes and cow farts. Watch Crowder Reads “The Green New Deal” in Full.
Meanwhile, the planet manages to correct itself without the effort of human beings at all. Two cases just off the top of my head:
- CLIMATE CHANGE FAIL: Melting Glacier is Growing Again
- Alarmists Blamed Low Great Lakes Levels on Climate Change. Now Lakes Show Record Highs.
In addition to believing in human beings' relative insignificance to something as complicated, nuanced, and magnificent a Planet Earth, I also understand there's nothing in the universe which is constant. Not one. Everything in our universe changes. Nothing ever stays the same. How egotistical are we, as human beings, to believe humanity's tenancy of Planet Earth is what's "normal"? And I'm sorry, but wasn't there a time when the planet was covered in large swaths of ice? Long before George W. Bush came along in an SUV using only plastic bags when grocery shopping? But whatever, those questions don't matter since I'm not a scientist. Nor, by the way, is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, John Kerry or any of the leading "thinkers" pushing climate change. But we're not supposed to talk about that.
I don't need to be a scientist to understand the ice of the ice age melted without human involvement. The climate changed on its own, without a Green New Deal or Al Gore running the AC on blast for any number of his mansions.
But see, not a lot of science is used in the great Climate Change debate. Alarmists use bully tactics and want the opposition silenced. Bill Nye wants "climate change deniers" imprisoned. Maybe that's because those of us who don't think humans are responsible for CLIMATE CHANGE OMG, have no problem calling out the alarmists when they're wrong. Which happens to be all the time with nary an admission of a single "oopsie daisy." Read FAIL: Scientist That Predicted Ice Caps Would Melt In 2013. Now Claims 2016? and NASA REPORT: Antarctic Ice Sheet is Actually Growing By Billions of Tons?
So it's not that I'm against science. It's not that I'm against the planet. I'm not against responsibility, recycling, or being good stewards of the earth. But I am against handing the responsibility of all of those things to a government which has yet to solve any real problem, even simple ones, all so I can feel good about doing "my part" for Earth.
But I am against social justice jihadism used to bully me into silence. Which is as unscientific as it gets.
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