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SocialismMay 14, 2019
Sorry, Socialism is for Losers
If you're a socialist, you're probably a loser. I'm not sorry to say it, I'm just sorry you're such a meaningless sack of human skin, wrapped loosely around a whiny, pathetic, unaccomplished package of fruitless human experience. But someone has to say what you don't want to hear, because your quest to take that which isn't yours simply because you're unwilling to work for something yourself threatens those of us who don't wake up every morning wondering how we can redefine the word "succubus."
I'm also sorry you -- a socialist -- views your whining about unfairness as an actual accomplishment worthy of perpetuating. But bitching about the top one percent, bitching about millionaires, billionaires and how the deck is stacked against you isn't, actually, an accomplishment. It's a complaint. A complaint you use to sublimate your inability to take care of yourself. Maybe it's not an inability so much as an unwillingness because, as already stated, you're a useless sack of crap.
Demanding other people take care of you for [pick your reason] isn't generosity. You may think having a commune of people who all come together to contribute to a common pool for the common good is a lofty higher plane of human consciousness. But really you just need more capable people to care for you because you're such a pathetic loser.
I hope you're noticing a theme here.
Socialism, by design, requires a mob of talentless, skillless zombies to charge at the wall of achievement in order to equalize it, so everyone can have a piece of a pie not baked by the people devouring small pieces of it. Thus eventually de-incentivizing the people who did bake the pie to bake anymore. If a bunch of cannibalistic sucks, such as yourselves, insist they be fed by those willing to work for those unwilling to work, eventually the pie runs out.
Lather, rinse, Venezuela.
In case someone is already stomping to the comment section to hate peck at me about how they can't care for themselves or their family because [your reasons], spare me. This post is supposed to sting. I know it hurts to be told your preferred form of politics stems from your lowly form of character. If you don't like being told you're a loser, stop being one. Furthermore, if you're so offended an internet stranger calls you a loser for supporting socialism as you do, and you're bothered enough to send me hate letters about how I should be raped, your reaction only proves my point.
Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, your socialist heroes, stand to gain a lot from your constant state of wimp. They know you have a deep hatred of yourself which, rather than address personally, you channel into blame. Blame the system. Blame capitalism. Blame inequality. Blame some kind of ism. It's far easier to blame an outside force than to examine the inner machinations of you.
That's why I'm here to help. You're a loser, but you don't have to be. You decide, every day, whether or not you want to continue redefining the word failure. As soon as you realize you're a socialist because you continue to choose failure, maybe you'll stop. Exercising choice doesn't just have to be about murdering unborn babies.
Sure, some people are successful because they worked a system. But most people who achieve greatness in their lives did so through a combination of work, skill, and/or talent. Note that I included skill and/or talent. You cannot just "work" and expect great things to happen. Not all work is the same, and not all work is actually the strict definition of work.
See, in physics, work is defined as work = force x distance. As in the work you do produces results. If you exert a great deal of effort to move a boulder, but the boulder doesn't move, you didn't actually work. Similarly, if you flick a pebble sending it flying, you didn't work that hard.
Also, anyone can flick a pebble. Valuable work comes from the production of results in a valuable field.
So if you exert a great deal of mental or physical energy into a field which matters little (feminist theory, gender fluidity, protesting for a minimum wage rather than bettering yourself in the workforce), and you don't move the needle, if your "work" doesn't produce results, you didn't really work and you won't get results of success.
Only losers insist they should be rewarded for doing that which produces little. Only losers insist they should be given that which doesn't belong to them because their personal choices didn't benefit them personally.
But that's socialism: give me what isn't mine, because I haven't anything that's mine.
Which is why I'll say it again: socialism is for losers.
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